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参加中午或下班后的锻炼班。Enroll in a noontime or an after-work exercise class.

人们开车的数百个在繁忙的中午。People drove up by the hundreds during the busy noontime.

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你可以明天中午来电看看衣服干洗好没有。You can us tomorrow at noontime and see if they're ready.

中午过后不久,开始有汽车进入大门。Cars started coming through the gate shortly after noontime.

欢迎它来到正午的树阴下,像毕达格拉斯一样below Grottaglie welcomes the winter into noontime shade, and

昨天中午,劳拉打电话给我,希望与我聊聊。Yesterday noontime , Lola called me, she wanted to chat with me.

假如你想在中午之前完成工作的话,你得快一点。You 'll have to speed up if you want to finish your work by noontime.

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午睡过后,下午她仍然在家里吹长笛。After having a noontime snooze, she still played the flute in the afternoon.

为了写这份采访,我牺牲了我的日常午睡。In order to write this interview, I have to sacrifice my regular noontime snooze.

弗恩上学的时候,就由阿拉布尔太太每天中午喂它。Mrs. Arable gave him a feeding around noontime each day, Fern was away in school.

每天下午,芬刚离开学校的时候,阿拉贝尔太太就替芬喂威伯。Mrs. Arable gave him a feeding around noontime each day, when Fern was away in school.

Candice中午在学生餐厅巧遇一群同学,他们一起同桌吃饭。Candice runs into some classmates at the cafeteria at noontime. They sit down to eat at the same table.

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在办公室里,伊夫琳'弗里德里克正打算利用中午时间去银行办事,这时电话铃响了。At her office, Evelyn Frederick was about to leave for a noontime errand at the bank when the phone rang.

中午,饭馆里熙熙壤攘,做生意的人忙不迭地从事交易活动,他们不时地看看手表。The restaurant bustled with noontime activity as business people made deals and glanced at their watches.

熙熙攘攘的餐厅里充满了边进行交易边瞄他们手表的商人。The restaurant bustled with noontime activity as business-people made deals and glanced at their watches.

本文正是建立在这样的逻辑基础上,将电视新闻节目归类为早间、午间、晚间。This paper classifies TV news program by morning time, noontime and evening time just on the basis of logic.

参加中午或下班后的锻炼班。这会给你带来一个放松的机会、帮你减压。Enroll in a noontime or an after-work exercise class. This will give you a chance to unwind and a way to relieve stress.

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在母爱的包围中,你会有被晨雾笼罩的感觉,又被正午阳光温暖的惬意,又似徜徉于繁星散布的夜空下般悠然。Engulfing them like the morning mist, warming them like the noontime sun, and covering them like a blanket of evening stars.

试验表明,在新疆这种典型大陆性气候条件下,春小麦有明显的“午睡”现象。Expriement Shows Spring Wheat has an abvious phenomenon of "Noontime Snooze" in the typical continental climate of Xingjiang.

它如晨雾的笼罩,如正午太阳般温暖,又如夜星,照耀著人们。Engulfing them like the morning’s mist, warming them like the noontime sun, and covering them like a blanket of evening stars.