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并不热心的试图写一部小说。A halfhearted attempt at writing a novel.

但改革经常是三心二意的。However, reforms have often been halfhearted.

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他们为此作出的辩护,被看作心不在焉而且毫无诚意。Such apologies as they make are deemed halfhearted and insincere.

以前我们享受的工作就会变得机械,我们做事就会马马虎虎懒心懒意。Our formerly enjoyable job can become rote, our execution sloppy and halfhearted.

“嗨,迈克。”我喊着,向他挥手。我不能在这样一个早晨表现得毫无兴致。"Hey, Mike, " I called, waving back, unable to be halfhearted on a morning like this.

经过一系列尝试,包括清酒甚至日本威士忌,我们最终还是选择了放弃。但在四年后的德国,游戏又开始了!We made a halfhearted attempt to explore Sake and even Japanese whisky but eventually gave up.

一些医生会隐藏自己意见,以一种隐隐约约的方式指导病人做决定。Some will resort to veiling their own opinions in a halfhearted attempt to direct the decision.

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如果只是三心二意地付出了,那么你应该忽略由此带来的任何结果—无论是好是坏。You should ignore any result— good or bad— that comes after you put in only a halfhearted effort.

但这一点从股东们对投票表决高管薪酬的提案做出的冷淡反应中却一点儿也看不出来。But you wouldn't know it from the halfhearted response to proposals giving investors a direct say on executive pay.

她不抱什么希望地试着向其它公司发出了应征问询,立即就收到了系统自动回复的拒绝信。She makes a halfhearted attempt to send queries to some other companies and immediately receives automated rejections.

而欧洲人还乐此不疲,虽然有“自由干涉主义”在利比亚的回归,但后者也是令人忧虑和漠视的。The Europeans still cling to it, though, with the return of "liberal interventionism" in Libya, but it is anxious and halfhearted.

西方的军事介入——不管是如何地心不在焉和低效——也足以推翻一个流氓政权。Western military intervention—no matter how halfhearted and apparently ineffectual—is still sufficient to tip the balance against a rogue regime.

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事实是,许多事情值得做的最邋遢不仅是,半心半意的方式可能的,很多事情是不值得做的一切。The truth is, many things are worth doing only in the most slovenly, halfhearted fashion possible, and many other things are not worth doing at all.