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或玛格丽塔鸡尾酒,任何一种你喜欢的酒都行。Or margarita. Whatever's your favorite drink.

我帮你弄杯喝的。玛格莉特好吗?。How about I fix you a drink? Maybe a margarita?

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如果你不介意的话,就用一些碎冰吧。Yeah, I'd like a Margarita with crushed ice in it.

我希望他最终能碰巧调配出玛格丽塔酒。I am hoping he'd eventually stumble into margarita.

我们的定制披萨是以著名的玛格丽塔为基础。Our customized Pizzas are based on our famous Margarita.

什么才更原始,烈性苹果酒还是草莓玛格丽塔酒?Which is more primal, hard cider or a strawberry margarita?

我更喜欢玛格利特,因为她是甜的因为她也有一丝的咸味。I prefer Margarita , coz she is sweet and a little bit salty.

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玛格丽塔从事娱乐行业已经20年了。Margarita has been in the entertainment industry for 20 years.

我改主意了,我要来一杯“草莓玛格丽塔”。I've changed my mind. I'm going to have a strawberry margarita.

瑟夫,正确,然后沿山脉南下玛格丽塔。Surf, that's right, then the mountains down south of Margarita.

在那通电话之后,我喝了一两杯玛格丽塔以示庆祝。After that phone call, I celebrated by having a margarita or two with my wife.

简单的生活并不总是你认为的在吊床上喝着玛格丽特酒悠闲之类的事。Simple living isn’t all about kicking back on a hammock with a margarita by your side.

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在这个例子中,我们使用的草莓酱和波士草莓调制草莓玛格丽特。In this example, we use strawberry puree and Bols Strawberry to make a Strawberry Margarita.

我们进了酒吧,他跟着我要了杯明红色,嵌着仙人掌果的玛格丽塔。We went to the bar, where he followed my lead and ordered a bright pink, prickly-pear margarita.

就像她身边的朋友一样,她懂得如何去经营一盘生意,怎样去调整飞机时差,以及怎样去调配玛格丽特鸡尾酒。Like her friends, she knows how to run a business, deal with jet-lag, and how to mix a margarita.

金橘原产于我国,具有很高的观赏、食用、药用价值。Citrus Margarita Lour with great ornamental, edible and medicinal values, was originated in China.

附近也有其他商业区和四个汽车经销商,全部都在热情又亲切的圣玛格丽塔市内。Located near other business parks and 4 Car dealerships in warm and friendly Rancho Santa Margarita.

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不过委内瑞拉当地人民的好客与热情才是玛格丽塔岛最迷人的魅力所在。But it's the local hospitality and warm attitude of the Venezuelan people that make Margarita such an inviting place to visit.

“圣玛格丽塔”寻宝活动开始于25年前,当时的负责人是西礁岛已故寻宝专家梅尔•费舍尔。The search for Santa Margarita artifacts began more than a quarter-century ago by the late Key West treasure hunter Mel Fisher.

每位只要100元人民币免费畅饮嘉世伯生啤酒和玛格丽特鸡尾酒,并且提供非常丰富的小吃类菜单。The Weekend Starts here. RMB 100 gets you free flow Carlsberg and Margarita to wash down a generous assortment of snacks from our menu.