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我喜欢桂花。I like sweet-scented osmanthus.

桂花是杭州的市花。Osmanthus is Hangzhou City flower.

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倒入桂花糖,搅拌好了就能吃了。Stir in osmanthus sugar and serve.

金秋,无疑是桂花最香。Autumn, is undoubtedly the most sweet osmanthus.

这样整个屋子散发出花的清香。The house sends out the smells of the osmanthus.

桂花盛开,散发短暂的淡香。Osmanthus bloom and exude their short-lived fragrance.

院子里种了不少植物。这是桂花树。There are some plants in our yard. This is an osmanthus tree.

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桂花糕创制于明朝末期。Sweet-scented osmanthus cake created in the late Ming Dynasty.

桂花树上开出了淡黄的小花。Sweet-scented osmanthus trees out of the light yellow flowers.

刚进入秋季,他们可以到处闻桂花香。Just enter autumnthey can smell osmanthus fragrance everywhere.

来了几个人,开着挖机在挖桂花树。To some people, drove the excavator digging in Osmanthus trees.

桂花乡席乡长的事情倒是可以借鉴的。Osmanthus rural seats mayor thing would be to draw lessons from.

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桂花花序为二歧或多歧聚伞花序。The inflorescences of Osmanthus fragrans are dichasium or pleiochasium.

为木犀科落叶灌木或小乔木。For bush of fallen leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus family or small tree.

同时,还初步总结了中国独特的桂花文化。The especial culture of Osmanthus fragrans in China was summarized primarily.

在壶里加入水、糖、果冻粉和凝胶粉,然后用中火煮开。Add dried Osmanthus when sugar, agar agar powder and gelatin powder dissolved.

人们经常从桂花树上采摘一些桂花放在家中的玻璃瓶中。People often pick some osmanthus from the tree and place into a bottle at home.

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我的学校院子里,有一棵美丽的桂花树,我们非常爱它。My school yard, there are a beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus trees, we love it.

桂花用途广、经济价值高,开发利用前景广阔。Osmanthus wide uses, high economic value, development uses foreground capacious.

茉莉花、软香鸢尾及桂花为花香心处添加优雅素养。Luxurious Jasmine, Soft Iris and Osmanthus add sophistication to the floral heart.