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不要把油漆涂得太厚。Don't daub the paint on too thickly.

下一道手续是在墙面上涂抹一层沙浆。I am not a good painter but I like to daub.

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谁散了笛声韵在那里胡乱地涂抹。Who is the flute rhyme where casually daub.

也可于早上使用,使用后可涂抹日霜。Can be used in the morning and then daub day cream.

也可于早上使用,使用后可涂抹日霜。Can be used in the morning and then daub day cream.

下一道手续是在墙面上涂抹一层沙浆。The next procedure is to daub a layer of mortar on the wall.

在进行刮痧瘦腿之前,要先用婴儿油或者是润滑油涂抹一遍。Scrapping thin leg in prior to use baby oil or oil daub again.

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在伤口处由里向外涂抹红药水,晾干,不要沾水。Wound from in outwards daub by mercurochrome, dry, don't dip in water.

出门前请记得涂抹防晒霜以保护皮肤。Before going out, please remember to daub sunscreen cream to protect your skin.

SJL胶泥可用于修补混凝土与水泥制品的外观缺陷。SJL daub can be used to repair cement or concrete products for their outlook defects.

文章对环氧玻璃鳞片涂料、胶泥的特性和施工作了详细介绍。The properties of the epoxy glass flake coating and daub and construction were detailed.

沾拭适量胭脂,以颧骨最高处为中心,以画圆的方式往耳朵斜上、往下涂抹。Stick some rouge, cheekbone as center daub from ear to bottom of ear in the form of circle.

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夏天,在日光浴前,外露部位应涂抹润肤油或雪花膏。Summer, before sunbathe, appear place should oil of daub embellish skin or vanishing cream.

将蜂蜜稍微加热,接着涂抹在黑头处,等到蜂蜜快要干的时候,用清水洗净。Honey, then daub is on a little heat blackheads place, until almost dry, honey with clean water.

在夜里,年轻人在墙上涂写反对卡扎菲的内容,警察再迅速地将这些内容覆盖掉。At night, youths daub anti-Gaddafi graffiti on the walls, which police quickly paint over, he said.

他又在金戈的颈动脉涂抹了一些凡士林,这样鬼子检查尸体就更难发现了。He was in Mr Carotid daub a few vaseline, it is more difficult to find the devil inspection bodies.

上述动作较紧时可以在产品内外表面涂抹肥皂润滑。If the above action is tight, Daub some soap on inside and outside surfaces of HFSS for lubrication.

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只是随便乱画的,他谦虚地说,“我只画了一个下午。”"It's just a modest little daub" he said self-deprecatingly. "It only took me an afternoon to paint. "

并介绍了聚氯乙烯胶泥在屋面嵌缝、涂布、补漏的施工工艺,经过施工现场实践表明,该工艺简便易行。It is proved that, the industrial art of PVC daub of caulking, coating and remedy leakage is very easy.

几年来,他除了偶尔画点商业广告之类的玩意儿以外,什么也没有画过。For several years he had painted nothing except now and then a daub in the line of commerce or advertising.