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然后,姜饼人遇到了一头猪。Then Gingerbread Man met a pig.

不一会儿,姜饼人遇到了一只熊。Soon Gingerbread Man met a bear.

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一只狐狸看到了姜饼人。Soon Gingerbread Man was seen by a fox.

但是你是抓不到姜饼人的!But you'll not catch the Gingerbread Man.

姜饼人靠近狐狸的耳朵。Gingerbread Man came close to the fox's ear.

放进烤箱里,就有一个姜饼人。Heat it in the oven, you get a Gingerbread man.

被“杯型蛋糕”、”“姜饼”、“冰激凌”搞晕了?Confused about Cupcake, Gingerbread and Ice Cream?

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更不用说姜饼的药效了。Not to mention the medicinal qualities of gingerbread.

最好还是用姜饼来装饰圣诞树吧。Better to use gingerbread as Christmas tree decorations.

姜饼做的房子,完全参照一个真实的房屋制造,有许多细节。A gingerbread house base on a real house with lots of detail.

做一点姜饼曲奇,带他们去流浪者接待所。Make gingerbread cookies and bring them to a homeless shelter.

只有咸饼干,婴儿饼干和姜饼的丙烯酰胺含量有下降。Levels had gone down only in crackers, baby biscuits and gingerbread.

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跑吧,跑吧,快点跑吧,但是你们是抓不到姜饼人的!Run, run, as fast as you can, But you'll not catch the Gingerbread Man.

做成解剖状的姜饼人,先吃掉最好的部分。Make anatomically correct gingerbread people and eat the best parts first.

用来做姜饼人模型的塑料就会产生DCA。The gingerbread man was made of molded plastic that had been made with DCA.

这个节日也有其特色食物,如姜汁饼干。There are also special foods for Lucia's Day like spicy gingerbread biscuits.

说话的姜饼人,让你与他种的唯一成员互动。TALKING GINGERBREAD MAN lets you interact with the only member of his species.

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这些色彩艳丽的房子零零散散的分布在太子港。Colorful gingerbread houses like this one are scattered throughout Port-au-Prince.

妈妈用手捏成一个小人并把他放到烤箱里面.一会儿,小男孩打开烤箱朝里看,突然,跳出来一个姜饼人.他跑啊跑,老奶奶、老爷爷和小男孩都跟在他身后跑。The little boy opened the oven door and looked in. Out jumped the Gingerbread Man.

以前版本的代号为蛋糕、甜甜圈、泡芙、冻酸奶和姜饼。Previous releases have been codenamed Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo and Gingerbread.