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杂交能力是衡量亲缘关系的一个尺度。The ability to hybridize is one measure of relationship.

死骑也混合了大死骑天赋量其他的元素。Death knights also hybridize into a lot of different directio.

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死骑也混合了大量其他的元素。Death knights also hybridize into a lot of different directions.

玫瑰培育者马上开始用它进行杂交种植。Immediately, rose breeders began using it to hybridize red roses for cultivation.

已知病毒有特定的方式进行杂交,所以可以很快鉴定出来。Known viruses hybridize in a characteristic pattern and can be identified quickly.

它们会自然杂交并形成双螺旋,或者说双链核酸They would naturally hybridize and form a duplex, or a double stranded nucleic acid.

它来自1s和2p轨道,所以它是sp2,同样。And again, you might be thinking well, why didn't we actually hybridize this 2 p y orbital.

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接下来,让我们先看一下这个通过转移部分基础设施实现混合的应用程序。Take a look at the application that you will hybridize by moving part of its infrastructure.

s-我们不用杂化它,它已经有而且仅有一个未配对电子在s轨道里。s -- we don't have to hybridize it, it already has only one unpaired electron in a 1 s orbital.

记住,我们并没有杂化2py轨道,这是我们剩下的那个行成了π键。Remember, we didn't hybridize the 2 p y orbital, so that's what we have left over to form these pi bonds.

如果我将他们杂化,然后形成4个对称的轨道,这就是sp3轨道。If I now hybridize these, if I take these and I make four symmetric, now, these are just the sp3 orbitals.

我们会看到现在有3个未配对的电子,可以成键。So, if we hybridize just these three orbitals, what we're going to end up with is our s p 2 hybrid orbitals.

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如果探针序列能够和目标杂交,它将不和金属微粒区结合,荧光持续存在。If the probe sequence is able to hybridize to the target, it will not adsorb on the gold and its fluorescence persists.

最好的标记方法是,设计出能与你感兴趣的,特定基因序列杂交的,分子探针或标签The best way to label this DNA is by designing probes or labels that hybridize with specific sequences that you're interested in.

可能性是无限的,但是如果你需要现在就解决它,那么解决之道也许是杂交部分语言特性。Thepossibilities might be limitless, but if you need to solve problems now, then the solution is to hybridize parts of the language.

但我们仍然可以杂化这些轨道,所以我们还是可以形成4个杂化轨道,同样的,是2sp3杂化轨道。We can still hybridize all these orbitals, however, so we can still form four hybrid orbitals, which are again, 2 s p 3 hybrid orbitals.

动态相量法可能为电力系统电磁暂态与机电暂态混合仿真提供有利的工具。The models built with dynamic phasors may possibly hybridize the simulation of electric-mechanical transient and electro-magnetic transient.

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在回肠隐窝的中、上部柱状上皮细胞中有强的杂交信号,而在隐窝的底部上皮细胞中无杂交信号。The columnar epithelium of intestinal crypts have hybridize signal, but basal epithelium of intestinal crypts have not hybridization signals.

用9个玉米和水稻线粒体基因探针与酶切条带杂交发现,不育系与保持系线粒体DNA的相同大小酶切片段含有相似的顺序。Homologous sequences of mtDNA were found between MS and maintainer lines by using 9 probes of maize and rice to hybridize with digested mtDNA.

日本绒螯蟹和中华绒螯蟹能自然杂交、可育,两者间不存在生殖隔离。Eriocheir japonicus and Eriocheir sinensis could hybridize and breed naturally, so reproductive isolation principles didn't exist between them.