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一生中少年时代的陶醉!Matutinal intoxication of life!

这样,无神论对于我们,只是一个麻醉品。Atheism was thus for us a mere intoxication.

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我已经过了喜欢听甜言蜜语的年纪。I have been over the age of intoxication in cajolery.

验尸判定她死于水中毒。A postmortem found she had died of water intoxication.

缺乏统一的洋地黄中毒的诊断标准。Lack of an uniform index diagnosis of digitalis intoxication.

傻傻的沉醉在这个充满傻劲的爱情世界里!Innocently, intoxication of love in this world is full of Folly!

这是一极为罕见致死性氰化物中毒的急症。This is a very rare case of acute and lethal cyanide intoxication.

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慢性副醛中毒能导致耐受性和依赖性。Chronic paraldehyde intoxication results in tolerance and dependence.

目的探索丙酮氰醇中毒机制。Objective To study the mechanisms of acetone cyanohydrin intoxication.

一个调酒师的最有趣的时刻源于无害顾客中毒。A bartender's funniest moment stems from harmless customer intoxication.

青铜色的色素沉着见于血色素沉着症和砷中毒。Bronze hyperpigmentation is seen in hemochromatosis and arsenic intoxication.

慢性汞中毒引起的肾损伤不容忽视。Renel injury induced by chronic mercury intoxication should not be neglected.

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他们手里拿这的塑料袋是胶状毒品,吸入其会导致钛中毒。The bags they are holding contain glue. Its inhalation leads to intoxication.

缺乏睡眠会损害人的肌肉运动技能,其程度同酒精中毒一样。Sleep deprivation can impair motor skills as much as alcohol intoxication can.

这样分几次喝,就不会因“水中毒”而损害健康了。Several times this drink, not because of "water intoxication" and damage to health.

结论HP治疗毒鼠强中毒患儿疗效良好。Conclusion HP therapy has good effect for children poisoning with tetramine intoxication.

拉美移民维生素D中毒的出生婴儿。3例病例。Vitamin D intoxication in infants born from Latin-American immigrants. Series of 3 cases.

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也因为酒醉的原因,我只拍到了5张可以看的照片。Also because of the general level of intoxication I only managed to take 5 useable photos.

几杯酒下肚他感到脑子里有令他激动的蛆虫在爬。A few more drinks, and in his brain he felt the maggots of intoxication beginning to crawl.

感染、中毒是朱鹮死亡的重要原因。Infection and intoxication are the most important factors for the death of Nipponia nippon.