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让自由之钟响起!Let freedom ring.

自由和空间。Freedom and space.

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摩诃萨.解放.自由.Liberation. Freedom.

定理是自由的吗?Are theorems freedom?

这是真正的自由。This is true freedom.

参与是自由的一个部分。It is a part of freedom.

我们是自由之鸟。We are birds of freedom.

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何谓自由?What is meant by freedom?

爱是囚牢还是自由?Is love a jail or freedom?

愿学术自由之风劲吹。The wind of freedom blows.

我们有言论自由。We have freedom of speech.

但他们也想自由。But they also want freedom.

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自由总是要付出代价的。Freedom always hax a price.

是自由么?,是家长式作风。Is it freedom? Paternalism.

我应该赎回我的自由么?Should I ransom my freedom?

我们在为自由而战。We are battling for freedom.

所有的那些自由度。All those degrees of freedom.

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自由是最好的礼物。Freedom is the greatest gift.

自由是我们所追求的。Freedom is what we are after.

让自由之风劲吹。Let the wind of freedom blow.