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我们能借一个冲浪板吗?Can we borrow a surfboard?

谁要免费的冲浪板?Who wants a free surfboard?

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杰克捡起他的冲浪板。Jack picks up his surfboard.

冲浪板浮在他们旁边。The surfboard floats next to them.

他将冲浪板转向大海。He turned his surfboard out to sea.

你知道在哪能租冲浪板吗?。Do you know where I can rent a surfboard?

我才正想问,我的冲浪板呢?I was just about to ask, where is my surfboard?

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现在,就是拿出那个虚拟的冲浪板,驭浪前行之时了。Now it’s time to pull out the virtual surfboard and catch the wave.

开始时,她把“信念”放在冲浪板上,让它感觉运动。In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let him feel the movement.

接著大浪会涌向滑板,将滑板与冲浪者推往海岸。Then, the wave catches the surfboard and pulls it and the surfer toward the shore.

我在海南岛的沙滩上登上冲浪板去斩波劈浪。Launching my surfboard from the beach on Hainan Island, I paddle out to catch a wave.

星期一傍晚,这名25岁的男子坐在冲浪板上,鲨鱼…The 25-year old man was grabbed by his left leg as he sat on his surfboard Monday evening.

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一个胜者是不会把我从我的冲浪板上打下去的,汤克才算不上是呢。A winner is somebody who doesn't knock me off my surfboard. Tank's definitely not a winner.

适合安装在一个冲浪板你的头盔英雄或其他快速释放英雄相机。Perfect for mounting your Helmet HERO or other quick-release HERO camera on to a surfboard.

那天,他跳上他的丰田塔科马驶往码头洲海滩想找到新的冲浪板。That day, he climbed into his Toyota Tacoma and drove to Marina State Beach to try out a new surfboard.

1969年的白宫草坪上,左边这位是茱莉亚,特蕾莎正在向父亲展示迷你冲浪滑板。Julie, left, and Tricia present their father with a mini surfboard on the lawn of the White House in 1969.

虽然大部分时候我一站起来就从浪板上跌倒,但冲浪真的是很有趣的经验。Surfing was such a fun experience even though most of the time I fell off the surfboard as soon as I stood up.

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达纳卡明斯马修的手放在他的肩膀上。他带领他到齐胸深的水,浮在他的旁边的冲浪板。Dana Cummings puts Matthew's hand on his shoulder. He leads him into chest-deep water, with the surfboard floating next to him.

昨晚Hannah的情况很稳定,冲浪板的残余物昭显着她曾经多么接近死亡。Hannah was in a stable condition last night, the remnants of her surfboard a reminder of how close she came to losing her life.

女子米式帆板前4轮结束后,中国队的王水佳暂时排名榜首。After the female rice type surfboard first 4 rounds had finished, Chinese team's aqua regia good places the first place temporarily.