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我们去赛马场吧。Let's go to the racecourse.

这是一条非常宽的跑道。This is a very wide racecourse.

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我家房子后面与赛马场为邻。My house backs onto the racecourse.

韩佳,这里不会是赛马场吧。Han Jia, it can't be the racecourse here.

从前这儿有个赛马场。In former days there was a racecourse here.

那儿是这个赛马场上的会员座区。There is the members' enclosure at the racecourse.

中国建造鸟巢,香港改造马场。China builds the Bird's Nest, while Hong Kong renovates the racecourse.

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不过我们希望这位戴帽子的女士不会在赛马场上飞起来……However we hope the wearer doesn't end up floating above the racecourse.

这位美洲杯帆船赛选手相信在比赛中保持冷静是赢得比赛的关键。An America's Cup sailor who believes that being calm ensures success on the racecourse.

在一晚上下了一英寸的雨之后,跑道状况被描述成好至松软。After an inch of rain at the racecourse overnight the going is described as good to soft.

见习骑师简慧榆于昨日在沙田马场堕马丧生。Apprentice jockey Willy Kan Wai-yue was killed in a fall at Sha Tin racecourse yesterday.

波赛顿住在以象牙为顶的银殿里,而在运河之间则建设了跑道。Poseidon resided in a silver temple with an ivory roof, and a racecourse was built between the canals.

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于跑马地马场制作「龙腾灯耀庆千禧」盛会迎接千禧年的来临。Produced the Millennium Extravaganza at the Happy Valley Racecourse on New Year's Eve and early New Year's Day.

职业自行车手们审视竞赛路线,并且请一位识文断字的人推断应该使用哪种车轮。Professional cyclists look at a racecourse and make an educated guess as to what kind of wheels should be used.

这13幅画作将于4月23日在新加坡Ludlow跑马场拍卖,预计拍价将高达数万英镑。The 13 paintings will be auctioned at Ludlow racecourse in Shropshire on April 23 and are expected to fetch tens of thousands of pounds.

赛马美联社麦科伊庆祝推后不要在大国家在安特里赛马场障碍赛在它赢得利物浦4月10日。Jockey AP McCoy celebrates after winning on Don't Push It at The Grand National steeplechase at Aintree Racecourse in Liverpool April 10.

最能够反映香港的命运变迁的地方就在欢乐谷跑马场对面。One of the best places toreflect on the city's changing fortunes is just across the road from the racecourse at the Happy Valley cemetery.

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在伦敦附近的爱斯科赛马场,一大群情绪高涨、穿着考究的人唱着歌挥舞着国旗,庆祝爱斯科特赛马节。In high spirits, a well-dressed crowd at Ascot Racecourse near London celebrates a day of horse races with singing and patriotic flag-waving.

给我留言吧,我们有空约好一起去赛道上跑一跑,看看谁的车技好。For me the message, do we have free time approximately well go to on the racecourse to run together, whose trick-cycling have a look to be good.

有人领导这场赛马观众对酒精,但他们并没有在大国民会议在安特里赛马场利物浦4月9日她喝。Somebody led this horse racing spectator to alcohol, but they didn't make her drink during The Grand National Meeting at Aintree Racecourse in Liverpool April 9.