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所有忌食减肥的人都碰到一个如何满足口腹之欲的问题。All dieters have the problem of appetite appeasement.

无异于姑息养奸,自寻失败。In his eyes, this amounted to self-defeating appeasement.

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缓和与退却的战略根本不起作用。The strategy of appeasement and retreat simply doesn't work.

对阿芝科特来说,供奉上帝是必须用活人献祭的。To the Aztecs, human sacrifice was a necessary appeasement to the gods.

战争初期,美国对日本采取了姑息与纵容的绥靖政策。In the early period of the war, America adopted the policy of appeasement.

这的确是一个被低阶的属下狼唆使的“妥协仪式”。This is actually an "appeasement ritual" instigated by the SUBORDINATE wolf.

弗里德伯格对在亚洲建立一个由两股力量主导的社区持反对态度,他认为这是一项绥靖政策。Friedberg rejects the idea of a two-power condominium in Asia as appeasement.

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略带羞愧的悲哀表情是一种暗示着自己需要同情的安抚姿势。downcast expression of shame is an appeasement gesture that hints at a need for

清政府对英军入侵、骚扰大连的态度基本上还是所谓妥协羁縻政策。The troops of Qing Dynasty still held appeasement attitude to the British invaders.

它使经济增长,政权繁荣并给民众带来了满足。It makes economies grow, governments flourish, and brings appeasement to the masses.

应用到对外政策,和平主义要么不再是和平主义的,要么就变成绥靖。Applied to foreign politics, pacifism either stops being pacifist or becomes appeasement.

巴厘岛的舞蹈也颇有“印度教风”,内容也大都是娱神的。Balinese dance is also "Hindu" in style and its focus is mostly for the appeasement of the gods.

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那时,骄傲的父亲烟斗里飘出来的烟雾升到天堂就是一种缓和众神嫉妒之心的手段。The smoke of a proud papa's pipe drifting toward the heavens was a sort of appeasement to the heavenly powers.

我们必须警惕那些敲着锣打着鼓宣传缓和主义的分子。We must always be wary of those who with sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal preach the "ism" of appeasement.

他以为它对绥靖政策的批判可以引导我们解决目前的问题?Has it occurred to him that the 10-cent critique of appeasement that he offers has helped lead us into this mess?

波纳先生指责PhRMA游说团支持巴拉克奥巴马医疗改革计划的决定是在“姑息养奸”。Mr Boehner denounced as "appeasement" the lobby's decision to support Barack Obama's plans for health-care reform.

经过这么长时间,他们真的相信对共和党的靖绥政策会得到真诚的回应吗?Do they really believe, after all this time, that gestures of appeasement to the G.O.P. will elicit a good-faith response?

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他们真的认为对共和党人实行姑息政策会得到善意的回应?Do they really believe, after all this time, that gestures of appeasement to the G. O. P. will elicit a good-faith response?

至于这个地名,也被赋予了出卖他国利益和对侵略行径采取绥靖主义的意义。As for the place name, it was attached to the meaning of betraying the interest of other countries and appeasement of aggression.

布什总统这个月早些时候对以色列议会表示,同恐怖分子和极端分子对话等于是实行绥靖政策。President Bush earlier this month told the Israeli Knesset that negotiations with terrorists and radicals amounted to appeasement.