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反讽与言后之果。Irony and Perlocutionary Effect.

行为带来的影响被称为成事行为。The act of bringing about an effect is known as perlocutionary act.

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言语行为包括言内行为、言外行为和言后行为。Speech act includes locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act.

言内行为、言外行为和言后行为有什么区别?What are the differences among locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act?

它是一种复杂的话语施效行为,并带有理想化的特征。This is one of complicated perlocutionary act combining with the characteristic of idealization.

蒋元闻言后受到启发,决定放弃合作计划,与嘉瑜离婚。Jiang Yuanwen perlocutionary inspired, he decided to give up cooperation plan, and jia yu divorce.

激活思维是课堂提问的言语行为所要追求的最主要的言后之效。To activate thinking is the chief perlocutionary act effect searched by speech act in classroom questions.

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翻译要求确保言语行为的施为用意和成事性效果的对等翻译。Translations require equivalence of illocutionary force and perlocutionary effects between Chinese and English.

这些概念分别是哲学家的言外之意和言后言语行为的概括。These concepts are respectively generalizations of the philosophers' illocutionary and perlocutionary speech acts.

取效行为作为施事行为的影响和结果是奥斯丁言语行为理论中一个不可分割的部分。Perlocutionary act refers to the effect of the illocutionary act, and it is an indispensable part of the speech act theory.

通过对影射言后行为的考察,我们发现影射的语用力量较强,后效明显。The perlocutionary act of innuendo speech act indicates that innuendo speech act has a stronger pragmatic force and obvious later effects.

而对修辞格在实现广告的言后之果作用方面的研究略为少见。The researches about how the figures of speech realizing the perlocutionary effect in ECA turn out to be the area lacking of due attention.

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本文依托言语行为理论框架,结合认知语言学关于概念结构的阐释,提出口译言效契合认知原则。This paper brings forth the cognitive principle of perlocutionary agreement by integrating the idea of conceptual structure in cognitive linguistics and Speech Act Theory.

蒋元闻言后即认为是一个对抗承天的机会,决定出资帮助仁信,以支持「阿部屋」对抗「百润」的压逼。Jiang Yuanwen perlocutionary is considered to be a chance against bearing day, decided to contribute to the kernel, to support the izutsu against bairun will pressure force.

从将话语活动视为策略性活动的角度看,对其具有制约作用,三者之间的功能互相渗透。The functions of locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts are reciprocally penetrated from the perspective that the speech activity is regarded as a strategic one.

奥斯汀的言语行为三分说中的“取效行为”是一个十分重要的交际概念,但尚未受到学界应有的关注。The perlocutionary act of Austins trichotomy on speech acts is significantly crucial to understand communication, but has attracted the least attention ever since its formulation.

英语交际中,应正确把握“言外行为”、“言后行为”、“信息差”、“文化迁移”的语用功能。In English communication, it is of great importance to grasp the pragmatic function of illocutionary act, perlocutionary act, information divergence and culture transfer phenomena.

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本研究采用语用文体学方法,在言语行为理论的框架内,将取效行为的概念应用于诗歌语篇分析,旨在研究诗歌作为特殊的文学语篇与取效行为之间的关系。This paper attempts to extend and define the concept of perlocutionary act on the basis of the connotation of Austins perlocutionary act, which helps to reconstruct the connotation of speech act.

本文从言后行为、社会心理和系统功能语言学语境理论视角探讨了L2角色扮演的原理与效用。This paper explores the principles of L2 role-play and investigates its experimental effects from a perspective of perlocutionary acts, socio-psychology and systemic functional theory of context.

小田坦言担心自己年长后,再不能参加拳击比赛,才决定回港完成梦想,蒋元闻言后决定支持小田完成梦想。Oda said worried about being older, and then cant participate in boxing, decided to return to Hong Kong to complete dream, Jiang Yuanwen perlocutionary decided to support oda to complete the dream.