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青豌豆汤,先生。Green pea soup, sir.

终于,豌豆苗开花了。Finally, the pea plant blooms.

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我先来个豌豆汤。I'll start with green pea soup.

豌豆过熟就会爆裂。Pea pods burst open when overripe.

香豌豆籽可在五月份种上。Sweet pea seed can be sown in May.

你想尝尝豌豆汤吗?。Would you like to try the pea soup?

呢上衣已经穿得变成绿色了。My pea jacket has greened with wear.

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门德尔的研究对象是植物,他尤其注重对豌豆植物的研究。studied plants, especially pea plants.

放进豆苗后不要再盖盖子。Do not put sugar pea cover after cover.

PEA并不意味著机械静止。PEA does not mean mechanical quiescence.

你耳朵是遭豌豆米米皱到了呢?Your ears was wrinkled pea rice rice to?

一株野生的甜豌豆攀附而上,倚靠着它。A feral sweet pea clings to it for support.

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他开始把豌豆荚倒进锅中。He started tipping the pea pods into a pan.

请帮忙往豌豆汤里加点儿面包块。And croutons in the pea soup, if you please.

豌豆皮和毛豆做的螳螂。Preying mantis made using pea pods and edamame.

混合紫萝兰及香豌豆花瓣的气味。Scent of violets mingling with sweet pea petals.

我还点了另外一道菜--清炒虾仁。Yes. And the other dish is shrimp and green pea.

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绿色豌豆罐可以散装,也可以用麻袋装。The green pea can is supply in bulk or in gunny bag.

青碗豆汤,先生,汤内已有面包碎片了。Green pea soup, sir. Croutons are already in the soup.

小男孩一扣扳机,豌豆就飞到了一个窗台上的花盆里。He pulls the trigger and the pea flies into a flower pot.