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堆砌文字的时候,我喜欢用到女子。Pile up literalness for time, I like to use woman.

我写着这些文字的时候我依旧在心里爱着一个人。I write these literalness times me still in mind a love a person.

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喜欢文字的女人是可爱的,更是美丽的。Like what literalness the woman is lovely, and is also beautiful.

他对这部文学作品的生硬翻译近乎刻板。His rigid translation of this literary work borders on literalness.

当然这些规定的具体文字及其在心灵中的生动存在唤起这一早期假设。Certainly the concrete literalness of the enactments and their aliveness in the mind recall this early hypothesis.

照片与文字该如何成为伙伴,共同探索社会的情感、思想与秘密?How could photos and literalness become accompaniers to explore the emotions, thoughts and secrets of the society?

语文教学活动是一种受教育者对语言文字的认识和实践的活动。The language teaching activity is 1 kind to teach to teach to the language activity of literalness understanding and fulfillment.

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王懿荣见到这些骨片,非常兴奋,凭着自己多年研究古文字的经验,断定这些甲骨决不寻常。Wang Yirong was very excited. By dint of studying ancient literalness for several years, he figured out these "Oracle-bone scripture" would never be usual.

翡瑟虽然帮不上什么,但是可以做一个很好的倾听者,我们彼此的信任是有基础的,那个基础就是博客上文字的交流。Although the doesn't up help what, can do a good listen to, we each other of the trust have the basal, that foundation be the guest the top literalness exchanges.

本文着重论述了语言文字的一些基本功能以及它在新的历史时期发展变化的特点。This text put great emphasis on discussing the basic function of language literalness and it is at the characteristics that the new development of period history change.

无法体会你现在的感受,但我想一些来自母语文字的安慰可能会让你在异乡的校园感受到别样的温暖。Can't entry your inner feels, but some literalness characters from your mother tongue, may act as the consolation to let you feel another warmth in strange campus of the foreign lands.