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他们在分岔处离别。They parted at the fork.

他们在岔路口处分手。They parted at the fork.

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缆索突然断裂。The cable suddenly parted.

暌违数载。It's years since we parted.

朋友们含怒而别。The friends parted in anger.

我在桥头和她分手。I parted from her on the bridge.

后来他和马西分道扬镳Later he and Massey parted ways.

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我们在叉路口分手。We parted at the fork of a road.

离别时,她的嗓音颤微微。Her voice did quiver as we parted.

我们双方只能在互道祝福后分道扬镳。We parted wishing each other well.

他和他的代理人散伙了。He and his agent have parted company.

我因他不老实而把他辞退了。I parted with him for his dishonesty.

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我们是在公共汽车总站分手的。We parted company at the bus terminal.

两个男人分手时握了握手,他们没有什么可以多说的了。The two men shook hands as they parted.

大风中船的缆索断了。The ship parted her hawsers in the gale.

旅行结束时他和我们分手了。He parted with us at the end of the trip.

静恩失望的分开了公司。Static grace disappointed parted company.

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人群分散开好让他们通过。The crowd had parted to let them through.

这件连衣裙在洗的时候绽线了。The seams parted when I washed the dress.

自从分手以来你贵干了?。What have you been doing since we parted?