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孤独是件妙事!?Solitude is a blessing!

你将它唤作孤独吗?Do you call it solitude?

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只有自然和孤独。Only nature and solitude.

爱美丽一直在寻求孤独。Amélie still seeks solitude.

城市愈大,孤寂愈深。Agreat city, a great solitude.

孤独造就了两个怪物。Solitude makes monsters of both.

我一直在强调弗罗斯特的孤独。I've been stressing Frost's solitude.

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我认为他的古怪是孤独造成的。I credit his queerness to his solitude.

这个男孩的孤独就像割草者一样。The boy's solitude is like the mower's.

她喜欢独自在自己的公寓里。She enjoys the solitude of her own flat.

寂寥在空气中弥漫,仿佛要将我窒息。The solitude in the air, as if choked me.

除了孤独和你,她将别无所求。She will want nothing but solitude and you.

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文学和孤独的关系血浓于水。Literature has close relation with solitude.

孤寂却成了响彻云霄的唯一音符。Solitude has become a resounding only notes.

深邃的孤寂中,那深思而纠缠的阴影。Thinking, tangling shadows in the deep solitude.

每一个没有单独度过的日子,都是被我浪费的。Every day I did not spend in solitude was wasted.

幽寂中含蓄着一种奇异的力量。There is a strange strength conceived in solitude.

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在你面前,它们将你所占据的孤寂填满。Before you they peopled the solitude that you occupy.

患有亚斯伯格症的人需要安静,独处。People with Asperger's need peace, quiet and solitude.

孤独的心情与自由的空灵,对话一段曲径通幽。While in seclusion, reach beyond solitude for freedom.