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那只有一站比赛。That was one race.

但是我赢得了这场比赛。But I won the race.

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我们来比试一下吧。Let us have a race.

火柴盒汽车赛跑.Race matchbox cars.

他是个黄种人。He is a yellow race.

它是个“赛米德”。It is a "race Mead".

那是一场难分难解的比赛。It was a close race.

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它是经典的比赛项目。It’s a classic race.

生活就像一场赛跑。Life is Iike a race.

首先是套袋跑。First is a sack race.

或者一位赛车手。Or a race car driver.

你选择什么种族?What race will you be?

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我像转圈圈般的在比赛吗?。Do I race in a twister?

尤其是在比赛中。Especially at the race.

跟你比比,跑到那桥上,看谁跑得快!Race you to the bridge!

这场接力赛谁赢了?Who won the relay race?

他们正在跑一场比赛。They are running a race.

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这可能是一场真正的竞赛。What a race it would be.

谁正在赛跑挚胜了?我得胜了。Who won the race? I won.

他在百米赛跑中获胜。He won the 100-metre race.