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埃斯特尔姨妈的大公无私是她最好的礼物。Aunt Estelle's unselfishness was her greatest gift.

勇敢,忠诚,无私,正直。A man of bravery, honesty, unselfishness and rectitude.

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它代表的精神是努力工作和慷慨。It stands for the spirit of hard work and unselfishness.

成年人在这个小姑娘的无私面前自惭形秽。Adults are humbled by the unselfishness of this little girl.

他们因无私和诚实而受到人们的尊敬。They are honoured by people for their honesty and unselfishness.

正直的品德和无私的心灵才是我们生命中的花朵,我们必须用心浇灌这些花朵。We must put forth flowers. Moral integrity and unselfishness are the flowers of life.

只有有人无私,就能感染全队使他们每一个人都积极地参与到这个团队中来。That makes everybody on the team participate with greater zeal when you have that type of unselfishness.

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他的无私已经出众的能力使得没人能防守得住他,即使你是克里斯保罗。His unselfishness and his spectacular abilities make him impossible to defend if your name is Chris Paul.

我知道,在上层,人们大公无私、思想纯洁高尚、智力敏锐。Up above me, I knew, were unselfishness ofthe spirit, clean and noble thinking, keen intellectual living.

他的无私奉献,强调他先天的了解篮球,以及如何充分,他囊括了基本面。His unselfishness underscores his innate understanding of basketball and how fully he embraces the fundamentals.

另一方面,老师们应抓住每个机会来激发学生心中的感情和慷慨。For another, teachers should seize every chance to stimulate affection and unselfishness in the hearts of the students.

大王子又一次看着镜子。善良、爱、怜悯、智慧和无私也看着他。The big prince looks into the mirror again. Kindness, love, compassion, intelligence and unselfishness look back at him.

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要爱人如基督爱人一样,含义即使要时时随处藉着慈善的说话与和悦的面色,体现不自私的心意。To love as Christ loved means to manifest unselfishness at all times and in all places, by kind words and pleasant looks.

无论用简单的还是哲学语言来描述,不自私都是美德,最终它将使所有的相关人员受益。Whether put in simple or philosophical terms, unselfishness is a virtue that would ultimately benefit everyone concerned.

他想把罪恶的根源驱除,然后放入一个不仅无私心,而且充满了对上帝对朋友的爱的心。He wants to take out the root of sin and put in your heart not just unselfishness but love for God and for your fellowmen.

然而,他们的付出对他们的家人和邻居却是理所当然的一部分。As often as not, however, their unselfishness is a simply taken-for-granted part of the life of their family or neighborhood.

这双手很美,因为这双手很坚强,每个老茧都象一枚纪念章,思嘉,每个血泡都是对你勇敢无私的奖赏。They are beautiful because they are strong and every callus is a medal scarlett every blister an award for bravery and unselfishness.

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在个人危难前,他大公无私,因此被提名为Beliefnet网站年度最佳励志人选。He is nominated as Beliefnet's Most Inspiring Person of the Year for showing supreme unselfishness in the face of great personal danger.

她教我们这代人认识到什么是成熟与无私——尽管她只有九岁,或者说,她7月23日去世的时候,只有九岁。She could teach my generation a great deal about maturity and unselfishness — even though she's just 9 years old, or was when she died on July 23.

我今发觉生命最大之成功,即为获得公忠无私,舍己爱人之最高理想。I have now discovered that true success in life, is the attainment of the hightest ideal of unselfishness , which is a life of giving and sacrifice.