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一些来自酷哥的照片。Some awesome photos of cougar.

我看到了一头美洲狮朝向猎物潜步而行。I saw a cougar slinking toward its prey.

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留下的爪印,源自大型猫科动物,很可能是一只美洲狮。Claw marks, from a big cat, most likely a cougar.

能发音,可能留下深刻的印象一美洲豹。Being able to pronounce that might impress a cougar.

我们思考,什么是对整个美洲狮运动的这些日子?And what are we thinking about the whole cougar movement these days?

当它走到灯光下的时候我才看出那是只美洲豹。As soon as it went underneath the light, I saw that it was a cougar.

1991年的万圣节,雷达监控员们一直在跟踪一架“美洲狮”喷气机。It was Halloween, 1991. Radar controllers had been tracking a Cougar jet.

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首先,我认为伍兹没有理由不跟一只美洲虎相处。First of all, I see no reason why a Tiger couldn't get along with a cougar.

于是阿里斯特太太抓起后院的一把铁锹对着美洲狮挥来挥去。Then Mrs. McAlister grabbed a shovel in the yard and swung it at the cougar.

Mastiff是广泛使用的六轮驱动美洲豹汽车的英国变种。Mastiff is the British variant of the widely used six-wheel-drive Cougar vehicle.

和结果后来被水银的神秘感,后来就成了汞美洲狮。And the result came to be the Mercury Mystique and later on became the Mercury Cougar.

最后美洲狮跑开了,阿里斯特太太抱着她的孩子,很欣慰他们都平安无事。Finally, the cougar ran off and Mrs. McAlister held her children and was thankful they were safe.

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佛罗里达的美洲豹,与西部被称为美洲豹,或者众所周知的美洲狮,美洲山狮是同一物种。Florida panthers are the same species as the Western puma, also known as the cougar or the mountain lion.

如今,它们应该同濒临灭绝东部美洲狮和肯氏龟一起列入濒危物种的名录。Now they ought to be listed with other endangered species like the Eastern cougar and Kemp's Ridley turtle.

艾伯特省渔业和野生动物的官员带着一队猎犬稍后赶到事发现场,但他们始终不能追踪到那头山狮。Alberta Fish and Wildlife officers arrived at the scene with a dog team but were unable to track the cougar.

他们仍在上升当中,雷达也继续跟踪着这架“美洲狮”,直到它不明原因地离奇失踪。They were still ascending. Radar continued to track the Cougar until, for some unknown reason, it simply faded away.

前,加拿大英属哥比亚省一只18个月大的金毛猎犬为戴11岁的小仆,与—头美洲豹实行了殊格斗。A golden retriever saved its 11-year-old owner's life when the boy was charged by a cougar in British Columbia, Canada.

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起初我并不知道那是只美洲豹,还以为它是另一只狗,”奥斯丁在周日接受加拿大新闻网站CTV采访时说道。At first, I didn't know it was a cougar. I thought it was another dog," Austin told the Canadian news website CTV News on Sunday.

东部美洲狮经常被叫做“鬼猫”,因为近几十年来在美国东北部各州这种动物的影子着实难得一见。The eastern cougar is often called the "ghost cat" because it has been so rarely glimpsed in northeastern states in recent decades.

这是我当时无法答应的一项请求,但几年之后我们的确把林肯-墨丘利分厂的一部好车命名为美洲豹。It was a request I couldn't honor, but we did use the name Cougar a few years later for a fine new car in the Lincoln-Mercury division.