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这光景真叫人干着急。The sight is most tantalizing.

那是诱人的铃声!That was a tantalizing tintinnabulation!

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当然,时间将会证实这个神奇的世界存在与否。Time will tell whether this tantalizing world is real or not.

池畔吧在所有活动期间为您提供诱人的鸡尾酒。Pool Bar presents tantalizing cocktails amidst all the actions.

海盗号再次给两方面都提供了似是而非的佐证。" Viking" provided tantalizing support on both sides of the question.

我有的只是偶尔一次干着急的吸一口,从没有过一罐。A few tantalizing sips was all I had ever had, and certainly never my own bottle.

我只是迫不及待地啜过几小口,从来没有自己喝过一瓶。A few tantalizing sips was all I had ever had, and certainly never my own bottle.

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所有宾客都被令人垂涎的炖牛肉香味引诱到厨房。All the guests were lured into the kitchen by the tantalizing smell of stewed beef.

周二只是第一站,但这场开季赛将万众期待。Tuesday is just Round 1, but it has the ingredients to be a tantalizing open stanza.

私人邀请你加入他们的跋涉这些贪得无厌的性感诱人的冒险家。Private invites you to join these insatiably sexy adventurers on their tantalizing trek.

她站得离我很近,头发上的香气撩人心魄。She was standing very close to me, so close that the perfume from her hair was tantalizing.

去年有引人注目的迹象显示,中国正在购买更多日本和韩国债券。There were tantalizing signs last year that China was buying more Japanese and Korean debt.

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朝鲜政府那种朝着像汉城或是华盛顿的改变似乎仍然是诱人而遥远。A change in government, as tantalizing as it might be to Seoul and Washington, seems remote.

在他的最新论文中,Rapoport着重研究了平凡而诱人的马拉松主题。In his new paper, Rapoport sticks to the more mundane but still tantalizing challenges of the marathon.

实际上,她喜欢在你面前大跳脱衣舞,肆意挑逗,她还喜欢坐你大腿上专秀给你看。She loves the idea of tantalizing you with a striptease, and she'd love to give you a private lap dance.

这幅令人着迷的伪彩色深空图片横跨这片星云明亮的中心区域,跨度大约是20光年。This tantalizing false-color skyscape spans about 20 light-years across the nebula's bright central region.

但对迈克尔·泰勒这位大树的探索家来说,这个树桩表现出很有潜力的征象。But to Michael Taylor, a professional big-tree hunter, there are tantalizing signs of the stump's potential.

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无论是苦涩、是香醇、是奶味浓厚的、还是温和的,巧克力诱人的滋味绝对让人无法挡!Whether dark and velvety or milky and mild, the tantalizing flavor of chocolate is simply impossible to resist.

凡因傲慢、嫉妒、愤怒、懒惰、贪婪、饕餮、欲望而获罪的人不在其内。Any arrogance, jealousy, fury, lazy, greedy, Tantalizing , and the desire of the people convicted in his absence.

从演员到选景,华丽的表演让我迫不及待地去拜读小说原著。From the choice of the actors to the scenery, it was a truly magnificent showing, tantalizing me to read the book.