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它是一种由外而内转化抽象概念的能力。It is an inward sense of abstract perceptual shift.

三十年的驾驶工作经历已重塑他的感知系统。Three decades of this work have rejiggered his perceptual apparatus.

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广义的真理包括感性真理、理性真理和统性真理。General truth includes perceptual verity, rational verity and pure verity.

但是,以这样的方式去感知事物所得到的画面,往往是扭曲的。But, when we get into that perceptual mode, the result is often cartoon-ish.

这种波动很好地调谐了松果体的感受性和敏感知觉的能力。They fine-tune the receptivity and subtle perceptual abilities of this gland.

人作为是感性的存在物,就意味着人是受动的存在物。As the perceptual being things, man means that he is the passive being things.

本文认为平面的、感性的叙事是大众文学的重要特征。Plane and perceptual narration is an outstanding character of mass literature.

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石英晶体只能工作在感性区,而不能工作在容性区。Quartz crystal can only work in the perceptual segment , not capacitive segment.

“虚拟实境”迄今为止都偏重于奇特和趣味带来的感官刺激。Virtual reality thus far has focused on bizarre, interesting perceptual thrills.

感性选择具有认识论、本体论以及文化学上的多重意蕴。The perceptual choice has multi-meanings of epistemology, noumenon and culturology.

他们是神经系统科学和感知系统中心协会的会员。They are members of the Institute for Neuroscience and Center for Perceptual Systems.

采用快速命名方法探讨不同加工水平对联想启动效应的影响。It supports perceptual priming effect, which is unaffected by the level of processing.

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震前异常现象的发现具有极高的科学价值,是感性认识上的重大飞跃。The discovery of abnormal pre-seismic phenomena, a great leap in perceptual knowledge.

感性美是其主要基因,在汉代文学中获得承传。Perceptual beauty was it's main gene, which was inherited by literature of Han dynasty.

基于全参考的JND模型是视频图像质量客观评价算法中的一个经典算法。The JND model is one of classic metrics in objective perceptual video quality research.

它的“自然人性论”思想也可以与当代“新感性”美学相发明。The natural humanity will also enlighten the new perceptual aesthetics in contemporary.

她假设概念获得是与知觉相分离的。Mandler's hypothesis of "Perceptual Analysis" solved the problem of concept-acquisition.

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在保持相同感知音质的情况下,它可以大幅减小编码比特率。Substantial bitrate reduction is achieved while maintaining the same perceptual quality.

如果以为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。If he considers rational knowledge are not from perceptual knowledge,then he is Idealist.

或者,更准确的说,你没有意识到你的知觉系统已经在主动忽视它。Or, rather, you don't realize that your perceptual system has begun actively ignoring it.