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冥王星的轨道是椭圆形的。Pluto has an elliptic orbit.

一个以地球为中心的轨道是什么?。Q. What is a geocentric orbit?

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带我回到轨道上,马士汀。Take us into orbit Mr. Malmsteen.

“方舟天使”号现在进入地球轨道。Ark Angel now entering Earth orbit.

冥王星的轨道太阳是248年。Pluto's orbit the Sun is 248 years.

想象一下,有个圆轨道Let's imagine it's a circular orbit.

地球则是位于365天的轨道。Earth is positioned at a 365-day orbit.

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人造卫星轨道的能量消减了。The orbit of a space satellite decayed.

月球的轨道,以及我们看到的地球。Orbit of the Moon, and we see the Earth.

我们称之为释放轨道更大或者相当。We call this unbound orbit larger or equal.

我们可以画出地球绕太阳运行的轨迹。We can draw the earth's orbit round the sun.

这颗小行星需要花238年绕太阳运行一周。This asteroid takes 238 years to orbit the sun.

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想象一下,电子在它的轨道中。Let's imagine this is the electron in its orbit.

透过缩放、平移和环转来操控视图。Manipulate viewing through zoom, pan, and orbit.

他们成功地将一艘宇宙飞船射入轨道。They successfully lofted a spaceship into orbit.

这个最低轨道被称作基态。And this lowest orbit is termed the ground state.

“飞鹰”号进入指令舱的飞行轨道。Eagle moved into the orbit of the command module.

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宇宙火箭发射后进入轨道。The space rocket was launched and went into orbit.

首先是轨道半径。Let's look first of all at the radius of the orbit.

现年62岁的博尔登此前曾4次飞入太空。The 62-year-old Bolden traveled into orbit 4 times.