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我一声尖叫,”迪丽娅写到。I cry out,” Delia wrote.

我一声尖叫,”迪丽娅写到。I cry out, ” Delia wrote.

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在这部片子中,马克和迪丽娅就做得很好。In this case, Mark and Delia Owens do.

她呷着迪丽娅给她端来的茶。She supped the hot tea Delia had brought her.

迪丽娅在工作间门口迎着我,面色苍白而又透着焦虑。Delia meets me at the workshop, her face pale with worry.

我问迪丽娅,她丈夫是否可以和我说话。I asked Delia if her husband was available to speak to me.

德利亚来纽约的南,梦想着音乐。Delia came to New York from the South, dreaming about music.

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世上没有巧合,只有巧合的假相。There are no coincidences, Delia. Only the illusion of coincidence.

过了一段时间马克和迪丽娅还是和好了,她又搬回马鲁拉普库。Over time, Mark and Delia reconciled, and she returned to Marula-Puku.

目的调查研究中国已知地种蝇属的种类及其分布。Objective To study the species and distribution of Delia known in China.

“马克和我有权力命令巡防队员巡逻,”迪丽娅写到。“Mark and I have the authority to order the scouts on patrol, ” Delia wrote.

一天,哈博罗内的政府官员召集马克和迪丽娅开会。One day, government officials in Gaborone summoned Mark and Delia to a meeting.

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我将车停在他家的私家车道上,看到迪丽娅•欧文斯从一间仓房里出来。As I pulled up their drive, I saw Delia Owens emerging from a barn on the property.

该妇女决定通知迪莉娅和菲洛梅娜麦克纳马拉其表弟的麻烦。The women decide to inform Delia and Philomena McNamara of their cousin's troubles.

我向她请教她对继子在北卢安瓜涉嫌杀人指控的看法。I asked Delia about the accusations that her stepson had shot the man in North Luangwa.

足球恰好落在一帮年轻人和孩子们中间,游戏也就此开始了,”迪丽娅写到。It falls among the young men and children, and a game begins on the spot,” Delia writes.

乔是在纽约初次遇见德丽雅的,结果在那儿他们相爱并结婚了。Joe first met Delia in New York, where they fell in love with each other and got married.

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国际足联女发言人迪莉娅·费舍尔表示,很高兴得知有新生宝宝取名FIFA,祝愿所有宝贝茁壮成长。FIFA spokeswoman Delia Fischer says she is excited about the news and wishes all babies all the best.

迪丽娅说,“他们都很喜欢克里斯,”有时他们会举行竞走比赛,迪丽娅称之为“迷你奥运会”。“They all loved Chris,” Delia said.They would run footraces, she said, in what she described as “mini-Olympics.

当年马克和迪丽娅到赞比亚北部地区后,他们在国家公园里建立自己的营地之前访问了西瓦庄园。When Mark and Delia Owens arrived in northern Zambia they visited Shiwa before establishing their camp in the park.