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它是激情迸发的即兴创作。It was the improvisation of the ebullition.

这位双簧管吹奏者以即兴演奏而著名。The oboist is well know for his improvisation.

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这位双簧管吹奏者以即兴演奏而著名。The oboist is well known for his improvisation.

替换和即席创作的文雅艺术The gentle art of substitution and improvisation

他是一个集创造力,智慧,即兴创作于一体的一个灵活的武器。He's a cunning weapon of creativity, whit, and improvisation.

乐理,听力,技术,作曲,即兴。Theory, Aural, Technique, Song Writting, Improvisation Ideas.

整体瑜伽是传统瑜伽体系的即兴创作。Purna Yoga is an improvisation of the traditional systems of Yoga.

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就是这样一个临时组织杀死了让•勃鲁维尔。It was an improvisation of this sort that had slain Jean Prouvaire.

这种充满刺激的即兴行为也明显影响到华尔街。This white-knuckle improvisation was evident across Wall Street, too.

加之现代舞的训练提倡舞者的即兴创造。In addition, because modern dance encourages improvisation from the dancers.

但是对于经典的美国糕点而言,却有很大的即兴空间。But with the classic American goodies there is a lot of room for improvisation.

随着即兴演奏成为爵士的主流,大乐团的需求因而减少。As improvisation became more central to jazz, the need for large bands lessened.

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当他十几岁时,他巳经拥有了一种超越自身年龄的即席演奏技巧。By the time he was a teen, he had developed a knack for improvisation way beyond his years.

而在比赛中的应变性,即兴发挥正是当前务实的,实用主义的英格兰队所需要考虑的。There is improvisation and it is the pragmatic aspect of England's game that has to be pondered.

中国人生活在一片尚未被征服的领地上,但他们显然很擅长临场发挥。The Chinese people were in unchartered territory, but proved to be remarkably skilled at improvisation.

人们发现即兴表演中伴随了”额叶皮层的分离式活动“。Improvisation was found to be accompanied by "a dissociated pattern of activity in the prefrontal cortex".

作为享誉世界的爵士小号手和歌手,他推动了爵士乐的发展,并开创了一个新的方向——摇摆音乐。A world-renowned jazz trumpeter and vocalist, he pioneered jazz improvisation and the style known as swing.

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创意音乐在中国第一阶段活动过程中,我主要关注器乐、小合唱和即兴表演。In this first phase of CMIC, I am largely concerned with instrumental music, small ensembles and improvisation.

旧协议的终止和新协议的诞生之间的罅隙将由一些外交上的即兴表演填平。A gap between the death of the old treaty and the birth of the new could be filled by some diplomatic improvisation.

公司以“诚则成,信即兴”为经营理念,格守“质优价平”的信条。Companies "it is a sincere letter improvisation" for business ideas, Honor "good quality of the normal price" creed.