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他写信的风格是文诌诌的。He writes in a bookish style.

不要书生气十足。Don't be so bookish and unrealistic.

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书呆子单身汉在追求单身的抽象的科学家?Bookish bachelor seeking single Noetic Scientist?

在书生气中尽显痴狂,在软弱中透着坚强。Bookish in in the show, in the weak and strong in the shows.

与奥巴马不同,布什从来没有爱书的名声。Unlike Obama, Bush never had a reputation for being bookish.

这是一个全天的面试,这个略带学生气的22岁的女孩感觉良好。It was an all-day affair and the bookish 22-year-old felt good about it.

这种爱书嗜好终于使父亲决定让我当名印刷工。This bookish inclination at length determined by father to make me a printer.

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切不可书生气十足,把复杂的阶级斗争看得太简单了。Never be so bookish and naive as to treat complex class struggle as a simple matter.

如果我仅仅是因为出生在一个热爱读书的家庭而获益,或者甚至是继承了一些好学的基因,情况又如何呢?What if I simply benefited from a family love of books, or even inherited some bookish genes?

我从来不喜欢住在烛堡里,有一大堆好笑的书虫僧侣们,而且是个拥挤的小城镇。I never liked living in Candlekeep with its funny, bookish monks and the narrow look of a small town.

当他们得知应该念书给孩子听,他们就念,把孩子吸引到书的世界。They know they ought to read to their children so they do. The kids are caught up in a bookish world.

现年59岁的海登虽看起来身材矮小,书卷气很浓,但却已显示出愿意挺身而出,与拉姆斯菲尔德交锋的胆魄。Diminutive and bookish in appearance Hayden 59 has already shown himself willing to stand up to10 Rumsfeld.

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所有爱读书的年轻读者偶尔都会过于痴迷,一旦他们发现他们喜欢的书,他们会不停的看。All bookish young readers over-reach occasionally, and if they discover they like it, they keep on doing it.

这种智力观断定正规教育和优秀的书本知识是衡量自我实现的真正标准。This vision of intelligence asserts formal education and bookish excellence as the true measures of self-fulfillment.

澳政界评论人士普遍认为,比起"书呆子"陆克文,吉拉德的形象更加温和,更容易赢得选民支持。Gillard is portrayed by some political commentators as a warmer, more voter-friendly politician than the bookish Rudd.

北京第一间24小时营业的书店在周二试业,这将是广大“书虫”的福音。The first 24-hour bookstore in Beijing opened but did not close its doors on Tuesday, to the applause of a bookish public.

阿瑞认为弱不禁风、书生气时足的安迪一定会哭,结果安迪的沉默使他输掉了四包烟。Arie that the fragile, bookish Andy will cry when the foot a result, Andy's silence so that he lost a four-pack of cigarettes?

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我们上物理学时,没有结合任何有形物体来学,所以,我们对于这门功课的认识,还相应地停留在书本上。We read our physics without any reference to physical objects and so our knowledge of the subject was correspondingly bookish.

那是一群充满生气、各不相同的人们——其中大部分都是书痴——作为书迷以及信徒,聚集于此聆听文字的声音演绎。It was a giddy, animated crowd, but most of all bookish — a collection of fans and believers, here to listen to the written word.

虽然不指望不久后能随时见到图书医疗,Gulliver非常认同很多酒店错过了一种书籍策略。While not expecting to see bibliotherapists any time soon, Gulliver heartily agrees that many hotels are missing a bookish trick.