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我所希望的只是扩充我的家业。All my desired was to aggrandize my estate.

他所希望的只是扩充他的家业。All he desired was to aggrandize his estate.

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我们也盼望与贵公司扩展贸易往来。We aswell hope to aggrandize our business with you.

验证了过氧化物对超声波处理溴仿的强化作用。The effect of peroxide to aggrandize bromoform sonolysis is proved.

国王以牺牲百姓为代价来扩大自己的权势。The king sought to aggrandize himself at the expense of his people.

生活,把它夸大,真不知是人类的愚昧还是动物的进步?People's hobby or avocation, aggrandize is, Is it human's babyism or animal's progress?

ITS的新颖性和重要性使得人们对其研究的投入大大增加。The novelty and importance of ITS make people aggrandize the devotion to study it by a long way.

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本文对强化新形势下劳动竞赛活动的生命力进行了论述。This paper discusses how to aggrandize the vitality of the labour competitions in the new situation.

为了重新扩大他们的势力,强大的国家一次又一次发动预谋的侵略。In order to aggrandize afresh their power, the powerful countries started aforethought aggression time and again.

当然,应该指出的是,妇女的地位尽管在罗马后期有了很大的提高,但我们不能夸大这种提高。Indeed, it should be pointed out that although women status were greatly improved, we can not aggrandize the improvement.

各式各样的商贸机构结成覆盖全银河的组织以扩大利润。The varied instruments of trade and commerce banded together into galaxy-spanning organizations meant to aggrandize their profits.

改造外围设备的控制系统,使原来分散就地控制的外围设备实现集控运行,将大大提高火电厂自动化水平。If the control systems of peripherals is reconstructed into central control operation, it would aggrandize the automation level of a power plant.

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我国的新执行体制中隐藏着两种执行权的混乱和扭曲,它彰显了执行权的行政性,却实际忽略了司法性。Our new enforcement system comprise the chaos and twist of nature of power, it aggrandize the executive enforcement power and debase the judicial enforcement power.

大豆黄酮具有促进动物生长、增强动物机体免疫力、增加奶牛泌乳量,增加家禽产蛋量、蛋重和品质及提高繁殖机能等生理功能。Daidzein can encourage animal growth, improve the immunity of animal, aggrandize milk yield of milch cow, improve the quantity, quality and weight of eggs and enhance the function of breed.

犹太人几乎是正好处在边境,朱迪亚当时就在两国的边境上,而这两个国家间常常发生战争,企图扩大各自的领土。The Jews were kind of caught,therefore,on the border, so Judea at this time was on the border between these two empires and they were constantly fighting trying to aggrandize their own kingdoms.

苏州要从旅游大市提升到旅游强市,必须强化旅游吃、住、行三要素建设。If want to improve Suzhou from the big city of tourist interest to the important city of tourist interest, we must aggrandize the key elements construction of eating, stay and travelling in travel.

因此,我们要建立对乡村教育的帮扶制度、加大培训力度、开发课程资源、改革考试制度、争取乡村的参与。In view of this, we should establish the help system of country-education, aggrandize re-education, develop curriculum's resources, reform exam system and encourage the participations of countries.