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重启工作站。Reboot the workstation.

震荡波蠕虫利用质谱工作站服务。Sasser worm exploiting MS workstation service.

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将文件解压到工作站上的一个位置。Unzip the file to a location on your workstation.

不要从本地工作站中使用浏览器。Do not use the browsers from your local workstation.

用个可调节高度的工作台是很好的投资。A height adjustable workstation is a good investment.

在机器旁边不可以有任何备用机针。No spare needles are to be stored at the workstation.

这个问题的一个好例子是客户机工作站。A good example of this would be the client workstation.

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作为工作站管理员登录到工作站上Log on to the workstation as a workstation Administrator

作为工作站的管理员登录到工作站上。Log on to the workstation as a workstation administrator.

作为工作站的管理员注销出工作站。Log off of the workstation as a workstation administrator.

作为工作站的管理员登录到工作站上。Log on to the workstation as the workstation administrator.

任何开发工作站都可以作为构建工作站使用。Any development workstation can be used as a build workstation.

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确保启动阶段工位准备所需达到的水平。Ensure the desired level of workstation readiness for start-up.

田纳西大学。学者工作站项目。University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Scholar's Workstation Project.

老式钢琴外壳被改装成一个隐藏的电脑。Vintage piano shell was transformed into a concealable workstation.

是否有可能在工作站中模拟所有这些功能?Is it possible to emulate all those capabilities in the workstation?

目录信息在客户机工作站进行本地缓存。The catalog information is cashed locally on the client workstation.

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根据您的工作站平台选择合适的镜像文件。Choose the appropriate image, depending on your workstation platform.

开发组每位成员的工作站都有以下软件Each development team member's workstation had the following software

工作站或服务器选项都可用于双处理器计算机。Either workstation or server can be used for two-processor computers.