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我能看见你的脚。I can see your feet, Koto.

Koto从安迪的手提袋里拿了本书。Koto took the book from Andy’s bag.

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古筝是一种有13根弦的弹拨乐器。The Koto is a zither with 13 strings.

史密斯从泰伯利特那里借了一辆吉普车开到了古土里。Smith borrowed a jeep from Taplett and drove on up to Koto -ri.

同一天一条可以供轻型飞机起降的跑道在古土里投入使用。An airstrip capable of handling light aircraft was opened at Koto -ri that same day.

我们从古土里撤离的那一夜气温达到了零下27度,即使这样我们也还在战斗。The night we came out of Koto -ri the temperature was 27 below zero and still we fought.

我们一般使用的古筝只有13根弦,但是这张专辑里的古筝有25根弦。Normally we use koto with 13 chords but the recordings for this album were made with a 25 chorded koto.

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到了10时30分,史密斯关闭了他在古土里的司令部飞往他在兴南的后方司令部。At 1030, General Smith closed his command post at Koto -ri and flew to his rear command post at Hungnam.

陆战1团做为师预备队,坚守主要补给线上真兴里、古土里、下碣隅里一线的阵地。The 1st Marines, in reserve, was to occupy positions along the MSR at Chinhung-ni, Koto -ri, and Hagaruri.

观察组除常规术后抗感染、支持疗法外,给与济安舒能喷洒切口。The group of observe not only adopt the normal anti-infection after surgery and support therapy, but also sprinkle KOTO CARE to the cut.

两个本是不同时空的人,但因家族的种种原因,叶宇策成了孙策,成了历史中的江东小霸王。This is the space of two different people but family reasons, the leaves become Sun Ce Yu policy has become in the history of Koto bully.

在新兴里西北、古土里以东大约10英里的地方,D连抓获了一名迷路的、正在一所房子里睡觉的中国士兵。Northwest of Sinhung itself and about 10 miles due east of Koto -ri, Dog Company captured a stray Chinese soldier found sleeping in a house.

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今天的龙王国,是和物质层上的蜻蜓、壁虎、蜥蜴、海象、象海豹、河马和大象这些动物有关的。Today the Dragon Kingdom is related unto the koto dragon, gecko, lizard, walrus, elephant seal, hippopotamus and elephant upon the physical plane.

川端康成以他敏锐的感受,出色的艺术形式,表现了日本人的精神实质。In KOTO and other representative works of him, Kawabata conveys the essence of Japanese spirit by combining his shrewd perception and outstanding art forms.

当里特森伯格的陆战团在向下碣隅里开进时,在古土里以北11英里处,即长津湖的南端,他们在远处看到了多个中国人的小股部队。As Litzenberg's Marines moved on toward Hagaru-ri, 11 miles north of Koto -ri and at the southern tip of the Chosin Reservoir, they could see parties of Chinese in the distance.

在高原上,里杰的陆战1团3营已经离开了古土里,换下了1328高地上与350名缓过气来的中国士兵打了一场恶战的陆战7团3营。Up on the plateau Ridge's 3d Battalion, 1st Marines, had come out of Koto -ri and relieved the 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, on Hill 1328 where it had a fight with about 350 resurgent Chinese.

太浦河工程因计划开挖一条沟通太湖与黄浦江的人工河而得名,工程完工后可使太湖洪水经黄浦江东泄大海。Taipuhe excavation project for a communication plan with the Huangpu River in the Taihu lake named after the river, after completion of the Taihu flood can discharge into the sea by the Huangpu Koto.