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他是个朋克。He was a punk.

你是个小流氓。You're a punk.

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您呼入我朋克?You callin me a punk?

小伙子,喝一点酒吧。Have a little wine, punk.

这是一首庞克摇滚歌曲。This is a punk rock song.

这是一个朋克城市--武汉!Here is a punk city-- Wuhan!

庞德竖子,何敢藐视吾耶!How dare this punk scorn me!

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21世纪朋克的精神。The spirit of 21st century punk.

你只是个痞子,你知道吗?You are just a punk , you know that?

朋克理念是一种旅程,而非终点。Punk is a journey, not a destination.

小流氓把啤酒倒在我鞋子上。Young punk spilling beer on my shoes.

为什么这个朋克横穿马路?Why did the punk rocker cross the road?

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我猜他想让自己看起来像个玩朋克摇滚的。I guess he's supposed to be a punk rocker.

全部圈执行的朋克乐队中的病毒。Full Circle performed by punk band The Virus.

知道吗,我最近迷上了鬅克音乐。You know, I'm hooked to punk music these days.

将以勒德分子的形式表现。It will take the form of a trendy Luddite Punk.

摇滚乐,还有骚灵乐,然后是朋克专辑的封面。Rock, and then soul, and then punk album covers.

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他爱她,她却什么也不说,但其实她也一样爱他。He was a punk. She did ballet. What more can I say?

走到凳子后面,让我给你看点感觉,小瘪三。Get behind the couch and I’ll show you feelings, punk.

一些年轻的朋克在星期天弥撒时试图给我来个教皇式捶打。Some young punk at Sunday Mass tried to Papal Pound me.