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哦,等等。Oh, wait.

在此等候。Just wait.

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然后等待。Then wait.

让他等一等。Let him wait.

他能不能等会儿?Could he wait?

等等阿岱。Wait for Adai.

用信心等候。Wait in faith.

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我等候她。I wait for her.

黄灯等待。Wait on yellow.

我们应该耐心等待。We should wait.

清在这里等。Please wait here.

你等着瞧。You wait and see.

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B是的,我都等不及了。BYes, I can’t wait.

我应在何处等候?Where shall I wait?

乌龟大师,等等。Master Oogway, wait.

他们抗争,我们等待。They fight. We wait.

他们能否等上一星期?Can they wait a week?

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现在则是我等亨利,他不能自已地消失,没有一点征兆。Now I wait for Henry.

她只是必须等待。She only had to wait.

等一下再吃。Wait a litttle while.