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第二套样本中包含有铜绿――在一个石灰石盒子上附着的一种化学物质。The second set consisted of patina ― a chemical film encrustation on one of the limestone boxes.

或许是近期的盐水浸泡和冰冻使雷神锤盔甲出了问题。Maybe his recent saltwater dunking and ice encrustation had caused a problem in the MJOLNIR system.

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热电厂输灰管道结垢问题影响发电机组的正常运行。The problem of the heat power house pipe encrustation filthiness influences the normal running of dynamotors seriously.

一名来自河北的姓国的小伙子主动对其他同伴说,他会用盐酸清洗水垢。Hebei name of a country boy from the initiative to other peer said he would use hydrochloric acid cleaning encrustation.

通过提取直方图的外层,以及计算像素点周围的局部模糊程度来更新粗糙度。By extracting encrustation of histogram, and calculating partial fuzzy extent around pixels to update the fuzzy roughness.

CALMATIC更可防止尿石结聚形成阻塞,减少水管装置维修及通渠的庞大开支,保持水厕系统效用畅通。CALMATIC helps to prevent encrustation , costly plumbing repairs and blockages, keeping the toilet system working in an efficient manner.

该方法具有操作温度低、不腐蚀设备、除垢率高等优点。The method has the advantage of low operation temperature, non-corrosion to equipment, good results for eliminating encrustation and so on.

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所以,减小或消除三元复合驱过程中腐蚀和结垢问题具有十分重大的现实意义。So, there is very important practical significance to decrease and eliminate erosion and encrustation problems in the progress of ASP flooding.

的缓蚀防垢和降低界面张力性能评价,为其尽快投入矿场应用提供了实验依据。The property evaluation of encrustation proof and decreasing interface tense of SJT-B provide the experimental dependence for polite application.

金属支架的功能障碍可以由胆管内的结晶凝块,细菌性污泥,胆盐,及肿瘤压迫或肿瘤直接侵入支架。Malfunction of the metallic stent can be caused by encrustation of crystals, bacterial sludge, bile salts, and tumor compression or tumor ingrowth.

从粗糙集理论意义上来说,直方图的外层与上近似有关,而直方图取值与下近似有关。In rough-set theoretic sense, the histogram correlates with the lower approximation and encrustation of histogram correlates with upper approximation.

“德国水大夫”只是把线圈缠在水管外,并未与水接触,但却把水垢除掉了,那水垢去哪儿了?German water doctor" just coil wrapped around a water pipe, not contact with water, but they will make to remove the encrustation , That furring to where?"

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使用本产品,可起到保护水箱、发动机及金属件的作用,并防止水垢,提高传热比、节能省油。The products may serve to protect the water tanks, engines and metal pieces, and to prevent encrustation and raise heating rate, more fuel-efficient energy.

“软化水”是经过离子交换得到的,基本不含有容易形成水垢的钙离子和镁离子,也可以起到防垢作用。"Softening" was a result of the ion exchange, the basic form is not easy to contain the calcium and magnesium ions encrustation . Anti-scaling can also play a role.

普通自来水中有多种物质,受热容易结垢,这就像家里的水壶使用时间长了,壶壁上就形成一层厚厚的水碱一样。Ordinary tap water in a range of materials, being heated easy Jiegou, which is home to the kettle used for a long time, a pot pipe on the same layer thick encrustation.

但是,再狭窄、感染、凝血、硬壳或者结石的形成仍然是支架植入术后容易发生的问题。However, this technique continues to be characterized by its propensity to elicit passive results, such as formation, thrombopoiesis, form ation of encrustation or stone.

中国赵兰庄高硫超酸性天然气田井堵重要原因之一是井管结硫。Wellblockage in the sulphur-high, acid-ultra, natural gas field inZhaolanzhuang, China, is attributed, to a large extent, to sulphur encrustation onthe internal walls of well pipes.

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本文利用仪器分析方法,对SJT-B助剂的缓蚀防垢、降低界面张力和驱油效果进行了系统研究。Making use of the instrumental analysis method, the paper does some system study on encrustation proof, decreasing the interface tense of SJT-B agent and the effect of displacing oil.

但是,再狭窄、感染、凝血、硬壳或者结石的形成仍然是支架植入术后容易发生的问题。However, this technique continues to be characterized by its propensity to elicit passive results, such as restenosis, inflammation, thrombopoiesis, formation of encrustation or stone.

针对田家庵电厂5号机组炉烟处理系统的运行现状,对结垢原因、除垢原理、运行参数分别进行了阐述。Based on the situation of flue gas disposal system of boiler 5 in Tianjiaan Power Plant, encrustation reason, scaling principle and the system running parameters are explained individually.