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我心里有猛虎在细嗅蔷薇。In me the tiger sniffle the rose.

鲸鱼开始鼻子抽噎和咳嗽。The whale began to sniffle and cough.

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皱皱鼻子,张开鼻孔。Sniffle. Wrinkle nose. Flare nostrils.

屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle.

卢克感觉到了绝地大师的怒火,开始抽抽搭搭地呜咽起来,奥比万安慰地摸摸娃娃的头。Luke, sensing the Jedi's ire, began to sniffle and Obi-Wan stroked his head reassuringly.

再比如,如果你得了感冒,或者害怕得感冒,那么不管在公共汽车上,大街上,还是在办公室,你都好像会突然看到一大群人在抽鼻子,打喷嚏。Or if you have a cold or fear getting one you’ll suddenly see a lot of people sniffle and sneeze on the bus, street and at work.

我一直都有吃它家的动物大游行综合维生素。我同样也喜欢这款维他命C。用它能让我们安然度过冬季不会感冒。I use the Animal Parade multi-vitamins and I love these vitamin C's too. It carried us through the cold season without a sniffle.

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半步不让,又倔强又大胆,也没和她玩哭哭啼啼,虚情假意的那一套。The half tread doesn't let, again obstinate and then brave, don't also have amusement to weep and sniffle with her, hypocrisy set.

因此当你觉得走进或走出有空调的建筑物时开始打喷嚏,那可能是由于夏季的过敏反应。So if you find that you start to sniffle the moment you walk in or out of an air-conditioned building, then chances are it's down to summer allergies.

难怪男人鼻塞时,他们的行为就像小孩一样——女人真的比男人有着更强的免疫系统!women better than men, immunity, healthier No wonder men act like such babies when they have a sniffle —women really do have stronger immune systems than men!