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当然也有一些来自两党的共同支持。There was some bipartisan support, to be sure.

这场旷日持久的两党之争使全世界都为之担忧。The epic bipartisan struggle unnerved the whole world.

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我赞赏两党对严控支出所表现的热情。I welcome the bipartisan enthusiasm for spending discipline.

这一点上,两党还是达成了共识。That is a bipartisan consensus effectively had been achieved.

但两党改革后我们又回到了以往那些黑暗的日子。There was bipartisan reform. We backedaway from those dark days.

“鳄梨酱里放豌豆是不能接受的,”他写道,这是两党的一致意见。"Not buying peas in the guac, " he wrote, a bipartisan conclusion.

事实是,没有两党的支持,我们不能解决该问题。The fact is without bipartisan support we cannot solve this problem.

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在他所幻想的美国,政客们用两党和谐来埋葬分歧。In his fantasy US, politicians bury differences in bipartisan harmony.

这必须是一个两党达成共识的方案,而且不仅仅停留在领导层。This has to be a bipartisan plan, and not just at the leadership level.

而参议院财经委员会主席,蒙大拿州民主党参议员马克斯·包克斯已经誓言将在十月限期远未到来之前出台两党联署法案。has vowed to produce a bipartisan bill well before the October deadline.

在疾步前进的欲望映衬之下,两党合作的承诺黯然失色。The pledge to be bipartisan is being eclipsed by the desire to act quickly.

去年我组建的两党联立财政委员会已经明确了这一点。The bipartisan Fiscal Commission I created last year made this crystal clear.

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这样的两党共识正在戕害民主和我们的经济前途。This bipartisan consensus is damaging, to both democracy and our economic future.

两党经过数次激烈的协商后,鲍科斯于9月16日揭开新议案的神秘面纱。After intense bipartisan negotiations, Mr Baucus unveiled his bill on September 16th.

里德反而呼吁众议院帮助制订一项代表两党的降低赤字协议。Instead, Reid urged the House to help forge a bipartisan deficit-reduction agreement.

奥巴马的两党峰会在医疗政策上收获颇丰Barack Obama’s bipartisan summit on health policy accomplishes more than meets the eye

去年由国会创建的一个两党委员会正紧盯着承包商。A bipartisan commission, created by Congress last year, is studying contractors closely.

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该交易商团体根据一份包含两党成员的花名册四处问“策”。To advise on the strategy, the trade group turned to a bipartisan roster of consultants.

奥巴马说他需要一个两党联立的委员会来研究削减赤字的路径。Mr Obama said he wants a bipartisan commission to figure out how to get the deficit down.

标普也说希望达成一项可信的协议,意思就是得到两党支持的协议。S&P has also said it wants a credible agreement, meaning one that has bipartisan support.