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“州废止国会法令运动”是美国内战前的一次重大政治危机。The Nullification Movement was a great political crisis before the Civil War of U.

但是,此种条款的无效,不影响整个航空运输合同的效力。But this nullification does not affect the validity of the entire air transport contract.

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在我国保险法中,保险合同的无效制度不很完善。The nullification system of insurance contract is not quite perfect in the insurance law of our country.

怎么能西方的总统,如法国总统,要求废除选举结果,伊朗?How can a Western president, like the French president, ask for nullification of Iranian election results?

一位像法国总统这样的西方总统怎么可以要求取消伊朗的选举结果?How can a western president, like the French president, ask for nullification of Iranian election results?

拒斥二元对立、否认意义的确定性是解构主义思想的核心。Nullification of dualistic antithesis and denial of the determinacy of meaning are the core of deconstruction.

最后,让我们考虑一个案件中,对手是被击落通过废止他的抵抗重力。Finally let us consider a case in which the opponent is downed by the nullification of his resistance to gravity.

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它是两种观念的正面冲突,是自由和奴役间的生死决战。It was the frontal clash of two ideas, a collision between the possibility of human freedom and its nullification.

如果不遵守这一条款,则会违反SLA,并可能会导致供应商保修或责任条款无效。Failure to comply can result in a violation of the SLA and potential nullification of any vendor warranties or liabilities.

合伙企业办理注销登记时,应当缴回营业执照。A partnership enterprise shall hand in the business license when going through the formalities of nullification of registration.

若成立,本公司当有保留申请认定该有关条款无效之权利。Even where a case is established, our company is still entitled to apply for an official nullification of the clause in question.

在美国小组赛中对阵斯洛文尼亚时候,莫里斯,埃杜在第85分钟时候的进球被裁判员吹罚无效进球,这引发了多方的愤怒。Koman Coulibaly's nullification of Maurice Edu's 85th-minute goal against Slovenia in group play sparked anger from multiple angles.

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小说的学术意蕴对于今天的人们反思“去圣化”和虚无化都有着重要的启示。As far as its academic connotation is concerned, the novel is enlightening for today's people to reflect on disenchantment and nullification.

保险合同的无效导致的法律后果可以类推适用合同法的相关规定。The law consequences led to by the nullification of insurance contract may be applied to the correlation provision of contract law by analogy.

对目标进行10整轮“专注”后,废灵效果伴随着从“灭灵之环”射出的光、热和声音的爆炸而生效。The nullification effect follows 10 full rounds of concentrating on the target and is accompanied by blasts of light, heat, and sound from the Annulus.

北韩官方朝中社星期五宣布,“废除所有与开城工业园区相关的现行规定与合同”。North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency declared Friday "the nullification of all incumbent regulations and contracts regarding the Kaesong industrial complex."

保险合同的无效是指因法定原因或约定原因使业已成立的保险合同在法律上全部或部分不产生法律效力。The nullification of insurance contract means that the tenable insurance contract does not produce entirely or partly legal effects because of its legal cause and promised causes.

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如发生违反在适用协定项下所承担义务的情况,则该行为被视为初步构成利益丧失或减损案件。In cases where there is an infringement of the obligations assumed under a covered agreement, the action is considered prima facie to constitute a case of nullification or impairment.

合同的变更、解除、终止、失效或无效,均不影响仲裁或仲裁协议的效力。The validity of arbitration clauses of a contract or an arbitration agreement shall not be affected by the alteration, dissolution, termination, nullification or invalidity of the contract.

平壤屡次禁止原材料供应商进入北韩境内,上个月还宣布终止在开城工业园区的薪酬合同和租约。Pyongyang has on several occasions restricted access across the North-South border by suppliers of raw materials, and last month announced the nullification of wage and rent contracts there.