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半人马座从没有被这样使用过。The Centaur has never been used in this way before.

却说这怪物是个预言家,就像许多优秀的人马那样。Now this Centaur was a prophet as a good many Centaurs are.

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目前佐治亚州哥登堡正在使用一套CENTAUR系统,其他系统正在进行测试。A CENTAUR system is currently being used at Fort Gordon, Ga.

的字型都不应以粗体只是正常的文本半人马。None of the fonts should be in bold just normal text Centaur.

这位天文学家看着满天星斗的天空,试着找到半人马星座。The astronomer look at the starry sky, trying to locate centaur.

乌姆里奇教授跟我们的那些马人发生了冲突。"Professor Umbridge ran afoul of our centaur herd, " said Dumbledore.

婴儿被赋予要以良好的和明智的半人马Chiron的提高。The infant was given over to be raised by the good and wise centaur Chiron.

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暗夜精灵们声称半人马是半神塞纳留斯的私生子。Night elves claim that centaur are the bastard children of the demigod Cenarius.

婷邀荣率原班人马过档其新公司,再做丰经理人。D. invite rong rate run its original centaur new company, redo abundant managers.

人马座火箭撞击到的只能说是一层松软的雪花覆盖的泥层,这是最贴切的描述。"The Centaur hit in stuff that can best be described as fluffy, snow-covered dirt".

半人马酋长硕大的身躯可以承受相当大的打击。The Centaur Warchief s mammoth body is capable of absorbing great amounts of punishment.

这些自我克制能力超强的战士最大的敌人就是南卡里莫多残忍的半人马可汗们。The stoic Shodo-Pans' greatest enemies are the cruel centaur khans of southern Kalimdor.

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CENTAUR自动化这个过程,建立基于Web的查询,以电子方式传输信息。CENTAUR automates this process and enables Web-based queries to electronically transfer information.

日本历届政府都拒绝承担责任的沉没的翰凯半人马。Successive Japanese governments have refused to take responsibility for the sinking of the AHS Centaur.

半人马部落恐怖地统治着卡利姆多的贫瘠之地,并且劫掠当地人的村庄和城市。Centaur tribes terrorize the Barrens of Kalimdor and ransack the indigenous peoples' villages and cities.

森托尔是当时正在开发的第二阶段所需的、采用高能液态氢作为燃料的运载火箭。Centaur was a second-stage vehicle then under development that would use high-energy liquid hydrogen as its fuel.

我射出的箭,没有一支到达任何有用的地方,尽管我确实有几次几乎刺穿我的半人半马老师。Not a single arrow I shot ever went anywhere useful, although I did nearly impale my centaur teacher a few times.

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这颗人造卫星瞄准了月球南极的凯布斯坑,首先操纵其“伙伴”半人马座火箭撞向月球表面。The satellite targeted the Cabeus crater at the south pole, first steering its companion Centaur rocket into the surface.

很明显,我们俩出生后一个星期,他们就把我们带到纳尼亚一个年迈聪明的人头马家里,去接受祝福什么的。And about a week after we were both born, apparently, they took us to a wise old Centaur in Narnia to be blessed or something.

北野武接到了西浦大佐的电报,随即立即下令局部人马原地待命,直至神弩自动回归。Kitano received XiPu DaZuo telegram, then immediately ordered local centaur in-situ standby until god crossbow automatic regression.