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他们从来不跟商人讨价还价。They never chaffer with tradespeople.

问及原因,店主只说多放浪费。Ask and casus, tradespeople says dissoluting fee more.

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商人和经营者的森科尔骨干。Tradespeople and operators are the backbone of Suncor.

这是个冷僻的地方,附近没有多少商人。It is in a retired place, where there are very few tradespeople about.

技工和操作工是美国美孚国际石油集团的骨干。Tradespeople and operators are the backbone of American mobiloil group.

美国美孚国际石油集团的原油开采设施需要很多合格的技术工人。American mobiloil group needs more qualified tradespeople for our Crude oil workforce.

而且,他们还对买卖人和所有的人扬言,要在蟾宫永久住下去啦。And they're telling the tradespeople and everybody that they've come to stay for good.

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当地的商人慷慨地回应这次呼吁,为医院筹款。Local tradespeople have generously contributed to the appeal to raise money for the hospital.

同时,官僚商人对劳动人民盘剥,激化了阶级矛盾,加剧了社会的动荡。What's mere, bureaucratic tradespeople 's exploitation of the working people aggravated class contradiction and worsened social turbulence.

路程经过过程选择梯型逻为主要辑编程方法,为培训所需的工程师和技工的资金大大削减。By selecting ladder logic as the main programming method, the amount of retraining needed for engineers and tradespeople was greatly reduced.

官僚经商导致了商人的官僚化,进而出现了商人干政的局面。Bureaucrats, engaging in trade led to tradespeople 's bureaucratization and further caused tradespeople 's intervening with political affairs.

是一个澳洲的团体,凡是年满十八岁的人均可参加,成员从商人到公务员都有。The Cave Clan, an Australian group, is open to anyone older than eighteen, and has a membership that ranges from tradespeople to government employees.

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他们介绍称,大约有1万名中国建筑工人和商人参与了使馆的建设。Embassy in Beijing Tuesday were eager to point out that roughly 10,000 Chinese construction workers and tradespeople were involved in the construction.

她看到很多老年人受到子女的虐待,于是发起了一场写信运动,陈请商人们和国会议员们在一年中规定一天来对母亲表示敬意。She saw many the elderly who had ill treat by filial, so she initiated a write sport, she lay out tradespeople and congressman ordained the day for showing their respect for mother.

技工和操作工是美国美孚国际石油集团的骨干。美国美孚国际石油集团为技工,操作工和重型设备操作工提供了最佳的机会。Tradespeople and operators are the backbone of American mobiloil group. American mobiloil group has the best opportunities for tradespeople, process operators and heavy equipment operators.