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凯迪拉克是通用汽车旗下的豪华汽车品牌。Cadillac is a luxury vehicle marque owned by General Motors.

著名英国跑车MG型号已经被中国人持有。Famed British sports car marque MG has been acquired by the Chinese.

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两年后,南京汽车集团被上汽集团收购,MG这个品牌再次获得新生。Two years later, NAC merged with SAIC and the MG marque was once again reborn.

沃尔沃并购案是中国购入欧洲汽车品牌的第一宗,而且发生在中国代替美国成为世界上最大的汽车消费国仅一年后。TheVolvo buyout is the first Chinese takeover of a premium European car marque.

尽管目前只有5年,标致雪铁龙品牌超过410万,2009年的汽车销量在中国市场。Despite being present on the Chinese market for 5 years only, the Peugeot Marque sold over 410 000 vehicles in 2009.

但是所有的企业和地区关于恢复的讨论证明如果过早将证明这个品牌未能切中要害这一次。All the talk of corporate and regional revival, however, will prove premature if the marque fails to hit the mark this time around.

在复杂的交易过后,世爵获得了萨博品牌,并挽救了萨博瑞典工厂的上千个工作岗位。In a complex deal, Spyker, a Dutch maker of sports cars, will now acquire the marque and save thousands of jobs at Saab’s Swedish factories.

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海盗船长不认为是一个真正的海盗,因为他们持有国家政府签发的叫做“私掠许可证”的特殊通行证。A privateer was not considered to be a true pirate because they were given special licenses called a Letter of Marque from a nations government.

宝马的重新推出MINI品牌已经取得了重大成功,与传统的英国品牌已售出超过80个国家,遍布世界各地。BMW's re-launch of the MINI brand has been a major success, with the classic British marque now sold in more than 80 countries around the globe.

这位美国服装零售商接受消费者的批评,宣布将回归其特有的蓝白标志。The American clothing retailer blamed a failure to consult its customers, and announced it would reinstate its distinctive white-on-blue marque.

宝马汽车成为了11月份美国市场最畅销的豪华车型,超过了戴姆勒公司的梅赛德斯奔驰年初至今的出货量。Its namesake brand was the top-selling luxury auto marque in the U.S. in November, overtaking Daimler AG’s Mercedes-Benz in year-to-date deliveries.

马尔基翁内坚称,他可以通过共享平台,在全球范围内配置旗下品牌,而不像福特或丰田那样需要单独的车型。Mr Marchionne insists that he can deploy his brands around the world by sharing common platforms, rather than needing a single marque like Ford or Toyota.

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费利-保时捷将巴登-符腾堡州的盾徽与斯图加特的黑色骏马标志结合在一起,设计出了最好的保时捷盾徽。The Porsche marque first appears. Ferry Porsche's design incorporates the black horse of Stuttgart and the coat of arms of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

这也正是一个有着87年历史的牌子,在21世纪的变身,MG曾经是速度、灵动、敞篷型、英式运动轿车的代名词。It is also the 21st-century incarnation of an 87-year-old marque that was once a byword for all that was nippy, open-topped and carefree about British sports cars.