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实体肿瘤治疗研究中,经过治疗完全缓解和部分缓解病人总数占对于总的可评价病例数的比例。The sum of complete and partial tumour responses seen, divided by the total number of evaluable patients.

评估了SA8000标准对我国出口贸易,尤其对劳动密集型行业出口贸易的巨大影响。The great effect of standard SA8000 on the export trade of populous industrial enterprises were evaluable.

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初始登记的受试者为109名,但受试者的高损耗率限制了评估的人数。Initial enrollment was 109 subjects, but a high rate of attrition limited the number of evaluable subjects.

用于各种机织物的起毛起球状况,以鉴别产品质量和工艺效果。Used for testing the napping and balling -up of all kinds of fabrics to evaluable? the product quality and process.

一定要记住,在使用静态断言时,检查的表达式在编译时必须是可计算的。While using static assertions, always remember that the expression being checked must be evaluable at compile time.

中远集团在三年的编写报告的过程,为我们提供了一套可操作、可衡量和有效的经验。COSCO Group's three-year experience in compiling the Report provides us with an operable, evaluable and effective model.

这2组的评估参与者特征相似,从整体上看与初始参与者并没有不同。The characteristics of the evaluable participants were similar in the 2 groups, and not different from the initial enrollees overall.

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多数患者仅表现为1-2级急性反应和0-1级晚期损伤。20例可评价的患者口干症状随时间的延长而逐渐减轻。Most of the patients had grade 1 to 2 acute and Grade 0 to 1 late toxicities , Xerostomia decreased with time in 20 evaluable patients.

构建师德评价指标体系是高校加强师德建设的一个重要内容。The construction of evaluable index system for teacher's virtue is a significant part of improving the building of teacher's virtue in universities and colleges.

天然生物材料的研究逐渐从宏观转向微观,其微观结构将为人工材料的设计提供有益的参考。More and more attentions have been paid to the micro property of biomaterials. The microstructure of biomaterials will offer an evaluable reference for design of some artificial materials.