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去年,布瑞列夫决定开始无纸化办公。Last year Breedlove decided to go paperless.

我现在已经步入无纸化办公,原因有两个。I have been moving toward a paperless office for two reasons.

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本会对阁下支持无纸化环境感激不尽。Your support to a paperless environment would be appreciated.

因为我有恐纸症,所以得在无纸的环境才能工作,不然就得在家工作。I’m a papyrophobe, so will have to work in a paperless environment.

完全的无纸办公在业界还比较少见。The totally paperless office is still a rarity in the business world.

电脑的普及无疑会给我们带来无纸化的办公。The ubiquity of computers was supposed to bring us paperless offices.

个人电脑的出现意味着无纸时代的到来。With the advent of personal computers we were promised paperless offices.

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而且,这些零售商表示,越来越多的顾客开始选择通过这种“无纸化”的方式获取发票。And more and more customers, the retailers report, are opting for paperless.

快攻是预算表示租赁服务具有无纸交易。Fastbreak is the Budget express rental service featuring paperless transactions.

本文主要论述了一种基于LPC2131的24小时无纸记录仪的设计。The article main discuss one design of 24-hour paperless recorder based on LPC2131.

好了,我们基本上是不用书面材料的,因此会有网站的存在。OK. We're going to run primarily a paperless subject, that's why the website is there.

烧结机的无纸化设计将大大减轻设计工作者的工作量。Sintering Machine Design paperless design will greatly reduce the workload of workers.

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我们正在消除理赔积压,采用无纸化系统改革办事流程。We’re breaking the claims backlog and reforming the process with new paperless systems.

首先,他使用了的由其开户银行美国银行提供的无纸支票服务。His first step was to use a paperless check service offered by his bank, Bank of America.

1998年,财政预算案推出的“快攻”,预算的快递服务与无纸化交易。In 1998, Budget introduced "Fastbreak, " Budget's express service with paperless transaction.

该片最大的特色是全片是纯手绘无纸化制作完成的。The film characteristics is the biggest film is pure hand-painted paperless production completed.

随着科技的高速发展,无纸化办公室基本实现了。Withthe rapidly development of electronic technology, the paperless office is basically realized.

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无纸记录器将图表显示在记录器的图形显示屏中,而非打印在纸张上。Paperless recorders display the chart on the recorders' graphic display rather than print the chart on paper.

变成无纸化最糟糕的是你的文件一部分在纸上,一部分是电子的。The worst part of switching to paperless is when half of your data is on paper and the other half is digital.

在各学区纷纷通过课堂外无纸化来节省开支的当下,这种数字化举措越来越流行。As districts look to save money by going paperless outside the classroom, the digital push is picking up steam.