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你可以参加南边草坪上的槌球游戏。You can engage in croquet on the south lawn.

爱丽丝想玩槌球,可是她不会玩。Alice wants to play croquet. But she can't play.

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这是爱丽丝见过的最奇怪的槌球游戏!It was the strangest game of croquet in Alice'slife!

这套槌球游戏是克雷格喜欢的,没错吧?This croquet set is right up Craig's street, isn't it?

这就是槌球作为一种家庭运动广泛流行的原因。This is why croquet became widespread as a family game.

三只小狼正在门口的花园里玩槌球。The three little wolves were playing croquet in the garden.

槌球首次传入夏威夷火奴鲁鲁的帕纳胡学校。Croquet first played in Hawaii at Punahou School in Honolulu.

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它紧凑的外场地包括一个网球场和一个槌球草坪。Its compact grounds contain a tennis court and a croquet lawn.

我以前研究过为什么槌球游戏曾经可能是非法的。The other day I explored why croquet might have been made illegal.

你要用一个类似木槌的东西去打击地上的球。and you've got to hit a ball which is on the ground with a sort of croquet mallets.

午餐之后,我看到他用脚踢着自己的槌球,以为没人能看见他。After lunch, I saw him move his croquet ball with hisfoot, thinking himself unwatched.

在槌球比赛中,参赛者用木槌击球穿过小门。In the game of croquet uses a wooden hammer to whack wooden balls through little hoops.

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我很奇怪,为何这些无辜的活动——我自创的槌球游戏除外——会被视作非法?Why would these innocent activities—my own version of croquet aside—be made illegal I wondered.

不过许多其它有名的法国食物我也很喜欢,比如,你吃过“火腿酪夹心面包片”吗?But I do enjoy many other famous French foods. For example, did you ever try a "croquet monsieur"?

用火烈鸟作球杆,用刺猬作球,仙境中的槌球戏显得如此荒谬。Using a flamingo as a mallet and a hedgehog as a ball, the game of croquet is pretty absurd in Wonderland.

一套爱尔兰“奥特兰槌球俱乐部比赛规则,在1858年8月21日一次场地比赛里开始使用。A set of rules for the Oatlands Croquet Club, Ireland, were set out by ' Corncrake' in The Field of 21 August 1858.

我们还采用一些特别的废弃材料,像槌球,望远镜和旧玩具,让每一只鸟看起来都与众不同。The unusual relics we use such as croquet balls, binoculars and old toys give each inspiring bird their own personality.

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1877年,在全英格兰槌球俱乐部的赞助下,英格兰在小城温布尔登举办了首届网球锦标赛。The first tennis championship in England took place in 1877 sponsored by the All England Croquet Club at a little place called Wimbledon.

观众在观看温布尔登草地网球锦标赛在全英草地网球和槌球俱乐部在伦敦6月28日的逐鹿。在所。Spectators watch a match during the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Chrevionships at a All Engla goodd Lawn Tennis a goodd Croquet Club June 28 in London.

当然了,为了玩槌球,你得有一片绿色的空间。人们曾在伦敦某条小巷上玩铁圈球,后来pall-mall就演变成这条街的名字。Of course in order to play croquet you need a stretch of green space and the name of the game of pall-mall is what gave the alley where it was played its name.