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宁河谷铁路。Nene Valley Railway.

但是内内在乎他的队友们。But Nene does care about his teammates.

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第一场,内内和坎比利用了他们的篮板优势,令我们处于被动。In the first game, Nene and Camby had taken the advantage over us.

“真的很抱歉,”内内说起他和他的队友们所说的话。Definitely apologized, ' Nene said of what he said to his teammates.

何况还有坎比,马丁的复出,以及可用的内内。And, with Marcus Camby and the return of Kenyon Martin, Nene is expendable.

在上赛季的丹佛,内内打出了职业生涯中的又一个高峰。Nene had career numbers in just about every category last season in Denver.

他知道我并不能享受比赛的乐趣,因为我想打出精彩的篮球。He knows I'm not comfortable to play because I want to play good, Nene said.

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同样,引导潮水般的同情心的尝试可能非常棘手,Nene承认。Still, trying to direct the flood of compassion can be tricky, Nene acknowledged.

掘金队的内内今年会找回状态,再次对球队做出贡献吗?The Nuggets Nene will be back this year, once again the team to contribute to it?

大热门是巴西,他们有巴博萨和内内-希拉里奥。The favorite right now is Brazil, which will have NBA players Leandro Barbosa and Nene Hilario.

通知所内内业员,由内业员通知分公司监控中心及养护科维修完毕。Notice the Nene operator within the industry, by the operator informed branch monitoring and maintenance, repair is completed.

至少有四个队希望交易得到阿泰斯特,掘金队受伤的中锋内内可能将会成为交易的一部分。A deal for artest could include as many as four teams and the nuggets'injured forward-center nene is expected to be a part of any denver deal.

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至少有四个队希望交易得到阿泰斯特,掘金队受伤的中锋内内可能将会成为交易的一部分。A deal for Artest could include as many as four teams, and the Nuggets' injured forward-center Nene is expected to be a part of any Denver deal.

在周二晚上掘金的揭幕战中右膝受伤的前锋内内,可能要错过赛季剩余的所有比赛。Denver nuggets forward nene likelly will miss the rest of the season because of a knee injury he incurred in the teams'season opener tuesday night.

内内在11月21号做手术受,最初的报道说他将很有可能会错过本赛季剩余的比赛,不过内内恢复得相当好,给大家制造了一些惊喜。Nene had surgery Nov. 21 and initial reports were he likely would miss the rest of the season. But Nene's recovery has gone well, creating some optimism.

比赛还剩下不到24秒时,掘金抢得篮板并将火箭的领先优势减至92-90,但火箭还是坚持到最后并以97-95险胜。Less than 24 seconds to go, Nene put in a rebound to reduce Houston's lead to 92-90, but the Rockets held their nerves till the end and sealed the win, 97-95.