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我是男低音。I am a bass.

能唱出来低音吗?Can you sing that bass?

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我们来试试唱低音。And try to sing the bass.

他有一副深沈的男低音歌喉。He has a rich bass voice.

和我一起唱低音部。So sing the bass with me.

听起来还满不赖的,低音效果不错。Sounds good—lots of bass.

你们唱一下低音部。So you can sing this bass.

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男低音还是男中音?。Is he a bass or a baritone?

他是男低音还是男中音?。Is he a bass or a baritone?

低音提琴,是的,有低音提琴A bass, yeah, we got a bass.

你能唱出这个音调吗?Can you sing the bass pitch?

你唱男低音还是男中音?。Do you sing bass or baritone?

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里面低音边和风箱。Inside bass side and bellows.

那么我们要怎样听低声部呢?Well,how do we hear the bass?

我弹吉他、敲鼓、弹贝司。I play guitar, drums and bass.

是低音的部分还是主调的部分Is it in the bass or the melody?

那男孩在合唱团里唱男低音。The boy sings bass in the choir.

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他是乐队里的贝斯手。He was a bass player in the band.

我的话会试着跟唱低音部。What I do is try to sing the bass.

你能分辨出低音线吗Can you follow the bass line there?