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人神其实荒谬可笑。The Man-God is an absurdity.

性爱归根结底是件荒唐事。SEX is the ultimate absurdity.

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他对这明显的谬论付之一笑。He smiled at the manifest absurdity.

佐佛来男爵却不以为有什么荒唐的地方。Sir Geoffrey would have none of the absurdity.

他们开始扩增到近似荒唐的地步。They began to swell to the point of absurdity.

所谓‘真理往前跨出一步就是谬误’。It is true that 'one step beyond truth is absurdity.

最终,你会理解所有的荒谬之处。Eventually you’ll comprehend the absurdity of it all.

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怪圈提示着世界的荒谬性。This strange loop implies the absurdity of the world.

但是,只要我们仔细考虑一下这样做的荒谬性。When one contemplates the absurdity of this, however.

这一方向会导致“福音书的荒谬性”的问题。It leads to propounding "the absurdity of the Gospel."

如果你检查邮件,你将看到很荒谬的事。If you examine the messages, you will see the absurdity.

库高颁布法令,将当天定为永久的“荒诞日”。Kugel decreed that the day forever would be a day of absurdity.

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在中国,街头表演荒谬剧非常罕见。Moments of theatrical absurdity are rare on the streets of China.

如果他相信存在是荒谬的,那么他必定有所行动。Belief in the absurdity of existence must then dictate his conduct.

热闹喧嚣的场面下,蕴涵着浓重的虚幻感和荒诞意识。The"Madding Crowd"conceals the deep sense of illusion and absurdity.

每件称颂生命的事物同时也增加了生命的荒谬。Everything that exalts life at the same time increases its absurdity.

凭心而论,人生完全就是一场谬论。If you really think about it, life is absolutely a fucking absurdity.

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一种新的想法突然来到他的脑际,但这种想法的荒谬性使得他大笑起来。A new idea suddenly came to him, but the absurdity of it made him laugh.

上面这则短小的杰作充分说明了神秘主义的荒谬性。The above small masterpiece amply illustrates the absurdity of mysticism.

下面这两则信息为我们阐明了这种不足取信的数字的荒谬性。The absurdity of this now discredited number is illustrated by the following.