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输精管切除术恰恰切断的就是这根管道。It is this vas deferens that is cut in a vasectomy.

对于男性来讲,输精管结扎术是唯一的绝育手术。For men vasectomy is the only option for sterilization.

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如果汤普森让你做结扎手术,你会被激怒吗?。Would you be offended if Thompson asked you to get a vasectomy?

手术成功后,男人就不能育有后代了。After a successful vasectomy a man isn't able to father a child.

男性避孕目前仅能靠保险套或输精管结扎手术。Condoms or a vasectomy are still the only male contraceptive choices.

附睾尾部及输精管壶腹部是贮存精子的场所。The tail and epididymis vasectomy pot belly is the place of storage sperm.

小孩们每天都以你的秘密为乐——薪水,宗教信仰,政治倾向,甚至父亲的结扎手术。Kids dish on your secrets all the time—money, religion, politics, even Dad’s vasectomy.

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孩子们总喜欢提及你们的秘密——包括金钱、宗教信仰、政治观点,甚至输精管结扎。Kids dish on your secrets all the time--money, religion, politics, even Dad's vasectomy.

用超声波冲击睾丸能否成为输精管切除术的价廉、非侵入的替代方式?COULD zapping testicles with ultrasound provide a cheap, non-invasive alternative to vasectomy?

在避孕方面,女性有避孕药片,而男性只局限于使用避孕套或接受输卵管切除手术。While women have the pill, men now are limited to using condoms or having a vasectomy for contraception.

既然它能够很容易定位,它也就很容易在绝育手术中被切断,这便是输精管结扎术。Since it is so easily located, it can also easily be cut in a sterilization operation known as a vasectomy.

马上就要和我妻子怀第二个孩子了,如果我们决定不要更多孩子的话,我会去做输精管切除术。Just about to have my second child with my wife, and if we decide not to have more, I will go ahead with a vasectomy.

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光镜观察表明,10月组曲细精管呈弥漫性萎缩,生精过程停止。The main results are as follows1. Degeneration and diffuse atrophy occurred in seminiferous tubules 10 months after vasectomy.

结婚几年后,原本承诺要生小孩的他却宣布自己做了输精管结扎术。Who announced a few years after getting married that he'd had a vasectomy and didn't want the children he'd promised we'd have.

对输精管切除术后或输精管复通术失败和有些输精管缺如的男性可采用显微外科附睾精子抽吸术取精。MESA can be performed to recover sperm after vasectomy or failed vasectomy reversal and in some men with absence of the vas deferens.

有点绅士风度,真诚地请求让这个孩子跟你姓,给她写张支票支付孩子未来18年的抚养费,然后去做结扎绝育手术。Do the gentleman-like thing, ask for the kid to be named after you, write her a check for 18 years of child support, and get a vasectomy.

一对黑人夫妇已有八个小孩,而鲁拉·梅又怀了第九个小孩,最后她说服了她先生去做男性绝育手术。The black couple already had eight children, and Lula May was pregnant with her ninth. Finally she convinced her husband to get a vasectomy.

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男性的绝育术叫输精管结扎术,相对来说是一种较简单和较安全的手术,在门诊部至多需要十几分钟就可以完成。The sterilization of a man, called vasectomy , is a relatively simple and safe operation which does not take more than a few minutes in the doctor's office.

本文介绍了12只恒河猴输精管结扎术及输精管内过滤装置节育术术后睾丸、附睾和输精管的组织学及超微结构观察结果。The results of histological and ultrastructural observations on testes and epididymides in 12 rhesus monkeys after vasectomy and contraception with intravasal filtration device were reported.

尽管输精管结扎术或输卵管结扎术后有失效的可能,但是一般来讲任何一种绝育手术的效果都是永久性的。The decision to pursue sterilization must be taken seriously however. Although reversal is sometimes possible after vasectomy or tubal ligation sterilization of any type is considered permanent.