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月牙形和不规则形的败育小孢子。Abort microspore in crescent or irregular shape. 26.

小孢子败育发生在四分体形成以后。Microspore abortion occurred after the tetrad formation.

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造孢细胞直接发育成小孢子母细胞。The sporogenous cell develops into microspore mother cell.

小孢子母细胞减数分裂同步或不同步。Meiosis of microspore mother cells is synchronous or unsynchronous.

小孢子第一次有丝分裂形成生殖和营养细胞。The first microspore mitosis forms generative and vegetative cells.

单核中央期小孢子细胞质液泡化。Vacuolation of cytoplasm at stage of central nucleus microspore. 20.

单核液泡期的小孢子细胞质完全解体。Complete disintegration of cytoplasm at stage of vacuolated microspore.

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预处理是诱导小麦小孢子胚胎发生的重要方法。Pretreatment was an important way to induce microspore embryogenesis of wheat.

小孢子母细胞的分裂属于同时型,产生四面体排列的小孢子。Cytokinesis in microspore mother cells is simultaneous, forming tetrahedral tetrads.

在单孢花粉中期,花粉内壁开始形成。The intine of the pollen began to form in the middle stage of uninucleate microspore.

可见,萝卜小孢子的败育与内源激素平衡的破坏有关。The endogenous hormonal ratio was interdependent to the microspore abortion of radish.

月牙形和不规则形小孢子细胞质完全解体。Complete disintegration of cytoplasm of crescent or irregular shape of microspore . 25.

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低温和甘露醇预处理都有利于保持小孢子的活力。Low temperature and mannitol pretreatment favor the maintaining of microspore activity.

随着芸苔属作物小孢子培养技术的日趋成熟,应用范围也越来越广泛。The microspore culture technology has been widely applied in Brassica species nowadays.

另一些花粉母细胞在末期具有微核。The nucleus in shrinking cytoplasm of microspore mother cell enters into telophase. 17.

收缩的小孢子母细胞质中核进入减数分裂末期。The nucleus in shrinking cytoplasm of microspore mother cell enters into telophase . 17.

对王百合雄性不育突变体‘白天使’小孢子败育的过程进行了显微观察。Observation on microspore abortion of 'White angel was made by means of light microscopy.

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分析了这些异常形成的可能机制及对正常小孢子形成的影响。The principles of abnormality and effect on formation of normal microspore were analyzed.

小孢子母细胞减数分裂同时开始,但不同时结束,分裂过程高度不同步。Microspore mother cells in an anther started but did not end the meiosis at the same time.

收缩的小孢子母细胞中核进入减数分裂终变期。The nucleus in shrinking cytoplasm of microspore mother cell enters into diakinesis stage. 16.