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我已然是一个引路人、开拓者、定居先驱。I was a guide, a pathfinder, an original settler.

他赌祖先之踊是美洲的早期移民。One of his forefathers was an settler in America.

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从19世纪60年代淘金热之后,居民社会繁荣起来了。Settler society boomed after the gold rushes from the 1860s.

哪里有开拓者的脚印,哪里就有马儿的蹄印。Wherever a settler left his footprint, there's a hoofprint beside it.

美国人有以帐篷复盖观看边境移居者作为自由的个体的模型。Americans have tented to view the frontier settler as a model of the free individual.

尽量找到适当的方法展示给你的雇主,让他相信你是个奋斗者、开拓创新者。Try to find a way to show your employer that you are a striver, as opposed to a settler.

据说古代众神曾亲自引导冰岛的第一个定居者,在雷克雅未克安家。Old accounts say the ancient gods themselves guided Iceland’s first settler to make his home in Reykiavík.

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他们共同的祖辈里士满?特勒尔于17世纪中期移民美国,是弗吉尼亚州的早期定居者。Their common ancestor is Richmond Terrell, a Virginia settler who arrived in America in the mid-17th century.

他们共同的祖辈里士满特勒尔于17世纪中期移夷易近美国,是弗吉尼亚州的早期假寓者。Their common ancestor is Richmond Terrell, a Virginia settler who arrived in America in the mid-17th century.

他们共同的祖辈里士满•特勒尔于17世纪中期移民美国,是弗吉尼亚州的早期定居者。Their common ancestor is Richmond Terrell, a Virginia settler who arrived in America in the mid-17th century.

第三十八条设立信托后,经委托人和受益人同意,受托人可以辞任。Article 38 After the creation of a trust, with the consent of the settler and beneficiary, the trustee may resign.

成百上千的历史文物被复原,包括一个早期的居住地遗迹。Several hundred-thousand historical objects have already been recovered from the colony, including the remains of an early settler.

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后者多次向定居者社区发射火箭和其它攻击物,因为他们视其为以色列存在的象征。They frequently launch rocket and other attacks on the settler communities that they see as being so symbolic of the Israeli presence.

莫卡兹.哈拉维神学院和犹太人在约旦河西岸的定居点有密切的关系,很多定居者的领导人都在那里学习过。The Merkaz Harav seminary is closely linked with the Jewish settler movement in the West Bank, and many settler leaders have studied there.

它的持有者-早期移民约翰。塔特尔的直系后代宣布农场破产歇业。It made the news last week because its owner — a lineal descendant of John Tuttle, the original settler — has decided to go out of business.

人权高专办指出,发生在库斯拉的攻击具有多种形式,是整个西岸定居者暴力现象的代表。OHCHR said the attack occurred in the Ku Sila has many forms, is the phenomenon of settler violence throughout the West Bank representatives.

解决了沉降器结焦的问题,提高了目的产品收率及催化汽油的辛烷值,保证了装置长周期安全运行。The problem of coking on the settler was solved, and the target product yield and octane number were increased, so the plant can keep long-period running.

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华工—圣力嘉项目给我提供了一个到加拿大的捷径,我参加这个项目的目标是以后留在加拿大工作和定居。The SCUT-Seneca program will give me a shortcut to Canada. My final aim of entering the joint program is to find a job and to be a legal settler in Canada.

这是解决约1840年的Tennesseean约翰考克斯,谁命名为他的朋友牧师哈里斯乔普林,卫理公会传教士谁也早日定居。It was settled about 1840 by Tennesseean John Cox, who named it for his friend the Reverend Harris Joplin, a Methodist missionary who was also an early settler.

五月花密约的签署人和普利茅斯种植园的开拓者,被推选为30个一年任期的总督之一,领导殖民地度过了艰难的早期岁月。A signer of the mayflower compact and a settler of plymouth plantation he was elected governor for30one-year terms and led the colony through its difficult early years.