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和我一起呆一会儿吧。Bide with me awhile.

爸爸才受不了我呢,因为我乱骂他。Daddy cannot bide me, because I swear at him.

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林文犹豫了一下,仍然按兵不动。Just hesitate a little, still bide one's time.

你驻留在这里知道我们准备开拔。You will bide here until we are ready to march.

否则至少要耽误时间。Otherwise we would rather fall back and bide our time.

现在静静的守候同时确保你的工作完美无瑕。For now, bide your time and make sure your work is flawless.

你必须遵照法则,有全然的爱和理想的信念。Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.

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“约瑟夫已经走了,”她接着说,“但是我想我还是留在家里合适些。Joseph had gone,' she continued, `but I thought proper to bide at home.

人类知道如何等待时机,耐住性子,直到事件结束。Humans know how to wait , to bide their time until the story is complete.

有一年,失败方曾设法把球投到一口井里来拖延时间。One year, the losing side managed to drop the ball in a well to bide time.

可是他那样聪明人,怎么能在这样一个死气沉沉的小地方,长远呆下去哪!But he was too clever to bide here any longer-a small sleepy place like this!

“在这儿等一会儿吧,马车很快就要来了,这是用不着怀疑的,”德北菲尔德太太说。Bide here a bit, and the cart will soon come, no doubt,' said Mrs Durbeyfield.

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她不愿随便找个职业了事,因此她告诉记者,自己宁愿静等时机的出现。Unwilling to settle for just any job, she said, she would rather bide her time.

我可以肯定,他还要住在这儿实习一段时间,学习在干草场里饲养小牛。He'll bide to get a little practice in the calving out at the straw-yard, for certain.

不过,克里奇科将静候时机,等待年轻的阿雷奥拉疲倦并放慢速度。However, Klitschko will bide his time and wait for the younger man to tire out and slow down.

所有您需要做的是等待时机您的时间,直到找到一个适合你和你的皮夹。All you need to do is bide your time until you find one that will work for you and your billfold.

如果你还没有被呼求去服务,等待你的时刻,因为你不会失去机会去这么做。If you are not yet called to serve, bide your time as you will not miss your opportunity to do so.

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在那一天到来之前的漫长等待时间里,我们已经收集了一些我们所能够找到的非常可爱的超级狗。To bide the time until that day comes, we've collected some of the cutest superdogs we could find.

所有这一切令中国政府更有可能不会急于发出进行重大政策转变的信号。All of this may make it more likely that Beijing will bide its time before signaling a major policy shift.

他更多的是狡猾,运用天性中的忍耐性等待时机到来。He was preeminently cunning, and could bide his time with a patience that was nothing less than primitive.