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我们都喜欢她的小曲。We all like her ditty.

他用颤抖的嗓音哼了一首稀奇古怪的古老小调。He quavered forth a quaint old ditty.

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扬州清曲的源头最早可到元代的小唱。Yangzhou ditty originates from the ditty of Yuan dynasty.

她把最后的几件个人物品塞进一个小袋子里。She oncentrated on tossing a few last possessions into a ditty bag.

这种小迷信的兴起是由于捡钱本身就是一种幸运。This little ditty may arise because finding money is lucky in and of itself.

不管怎样,这首小调在欢快的节奏下传递了基本的信息。Regardless, the little ditty conveyed foundational information in a happy little package.

凌晨3点,当他们的助手在门口忙着打车时,我们录下了这一小段视频。At 3am, with their entourage already outside hailing taxis we recorded this little ditty jam.

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一曲“让我与子偕老”道出了我们只是简单希望爱情能够天荒地老,海枯石烂,至死不渝。A "let's grow old together" ditty that makes it easy for us to hope for a love that lasts forever. And ever.

只要有小调从外面的世界传入黑荒原谷,苔丝的母亲就能在一星期里学会它的曲子。No ditty floated into Blackmoor Vale from the outer world but Tess's mother caught up its notation in a week.

心态很重要,在每日上班的路上还能情不自禁的哼哼小曲,看看路人甲路人乙。Attitude is very important, on the way to work in daily can still can't help hum ditty and see a passer-by stranger b.

1836年,也就是在她20岁时,她大着胆子把自己的几首短诗寄给当时的桂冠诗人骚塞。In 1836, that is, in her 20-year-old, timid with her own in the first few ditty was sent to the Sao Cypriot poet laureate.

某小曲酒厂是以高梁、小麦等为原料,采用传统的酿造和制曲工艺制成小曲酒。Ditty is a winery sorghum, wheat, and other raw materials, using the traditional song-making process and made small Liquor.

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这位歌手兼创作人写了一首犀利热闹的通俗歌曲,内容是可恨的旧情人不受欢迎的好友请求。The Australian singer-songwriter wrote a bitingly hilarious, if vulgar, ditty about a loathed ex's unwanted friend request.

小调是黄河三角洲民歌的主体部分,反应的内容极其广泛,具有较强的艺术化特征。As the main body of the folk songs in the Yellow River Delta, ditty covers a wide range of lyrics and strong artistic flavor.

她给我寄来了一根不锈钢的麦秆,并把我的小诗登在她的Facebook的组页上,这让我十分高兴。She sent me a stainless steel straw for my trouble, and she also posted my little ditty on her Facebook group page, which made my day.

西班牙的孩子们在左邻右舍里和着国歌的旋律配上自己编的歌词,变成了一曲曲调皮的小调,丝毫没有歌唱国歌时的神圣之感。THE naughty ditty that generations of Spanish schoolchildren have sung to one another to the tune of the national anthem is hardly respectful.

以大米为原料,小曲为糖化发酵剂,边固态液态糖化边发酵酿制而成的白酒。With rice as the raw material, ditty for saccharification yeast, and solid state fermentation liquid saccharification side side made in white wine.

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江西南昌大学校长周文斌同样也为建校90周年典礼准备了一段歌曲。Zhou Wenbin, the president of Jiangxi Province`s Nanchang University, also let loose a little ditty during the university`s 90th anniversary ceremony.

劲酒所用原酒就是采用双龙泉源头之水和东北上乘红粮精酿而成的小曲清香型白酒。The water that strong wine place uses head of double dragon springhead namely with former wine and northeast are excellent the ditty faint scent that red food energy is brewed and becomes liquor.