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他说话带有伦敦腔。He speaks with a cockney accent.

那人说话带伦敦东区口音。The man spoke with a Cockney accent.

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一口地道的伦敦腔,倍儿有面子。A typical cockney , time of son has the face.

接着读一读吧,来更多地了解一下老伦敦的押韵俚语。Read on, to learn more about Cockney rhyming slang.

希金斯想把那个柔弱的女孩造就成一位高雅的淑女。Higgins tried to mould the cockney girl into a elegant lady.

考克尼也许是除了标准发音之外的最有名的英国口音了。Cockney is probably the second most famous of British Accents.

说实话,我真的听不懂里面的伦敦腔。To be honest, I found it very difficult to understand cockney.

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伦敦方言是在伦敦东区讲的颇有特色的地方语。Cockney is the colourful dialect spoken in the East End of London.

对许多人而言,伦敦东区的押韵谚语是一种伦敦人身份的固有象征。For many people, cockney rhyming slang is *intrinsic to the identity of London.

自从我认识他之后,小贝从来没有改变过。他一直就是个光芒耀眼的伦敦佬饭桶。Becks hasn't changed since I've known him. He's always been a flash Cockney git.

这种同韵俚语很像伦敦东区人说的英语。Cockney is English spoken in the poor eastern neighbourhoods of London, England.

一个是传统伦敦人。我们称他们为伦敦佬,他们住在那儿,So one is your traditional Londoner. We call them a Cockney who lives out there,

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也有人说一些三流罪犯也说这种英语以骗过警察。Some say that Cockney was also used by small-time criminals to confuse the police.

我很早就认识科尔了,这里来一个满嘴伦敦腔的家伙也挺不错的。I've known Coley for years and it's nice to have another Cockney voice around the place.

奥戴丽?赫本在里面演一个说满口伦敦土话的卖花女,受训练让人把她当成上流社会的淑女。Audrey hepburn plays a cockney flower girl who is trained to pass as an upper-class lady.

到头来只有一个人的走私行为败露了,这是位小个子苏格兰佬,长得毛茸茸的,操了一口蹩脚的伦敦腔,大概是哪位伦敦爷们留在格拉斯哥的私生子。This was Scotty, a little hairy tramp with a bastard accent sired by cockney out of Glasgow.

约翰,它可不像夏天里那些辛勤而雄赳赳的蜜蜂,而像是一个穿戴洋洋自得的伦敦东区的人。Not such as summer brings, John, earnest manly bees, but a kind of a cockney , dressed in jaunty clothes.

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连下士也显得那么和蔼可亲,他操着欢快的伦敦腔,把我们称做他的好兄弟。The corporal, too, a cheerful little cockney , appeared to regard us as his brothers. He had a kind face.

在一些口音中,包括伦敦当地口音,“T”的发音不像美国人那样用“D”代替——“T”不发音。With some accents, including cockney accents, Ts aren't pronounced in words where Americans use D to replace it.

一口伦敦腔的大卫贝克汉姆被设定成每句话都要说三次“在那天即将结束的时候”。David Beckyham was given a cockney accent and programmed to say 'at the end of the day' three times every sentence.